Friday, October 31, 2008

When Snoring Becomes a Problem

By Christian Goodman

Snoring certainly isn't mystery to most people. We're very familiar with it and can usually at least witness it right in our own homes.

Moms tease dads about their snoring and sometimes it's mom who snores. The point is, snoring is quite common. At some point we have all snored or known of someone who did.

What we cannot all readily discern however, are the reasons behind snoring.

"The Stop Snoring Exercise Program" forced me to examine various causes of snoring and incorporate them into the system.

Why we snore

One reason is unavoidable. We were born with certain physical traits that make us snore.

Enlarged adenoids, narrow nasal passages, or throat may be reasons for snoring that you simply cannot avoid.

For those approaching middle age, snoring becomes much more prevalent as the throat narrows and muscle tone relaxes. Being born male will increase your chances of snoring.

Reduced air flow through the nose due to an illness or having allergies can result in snoring as well as a poor night's rest.

Those culprits present themselves for the most part no matter what we do to avoid them.

Other culprits are within our realm of control. Some of those include our physical sleep disposition, certain medicines, habits such as smking etc.

Effects of Snoring

Anyone who snores does experience negative effects as well as those who are around it.

Marriages and relationships often suffer as snoring creates a divide among two people trying to sleep together. It's isolating and often prevents people from spending some of the most intimate time together.

Damage is done to our bodies and to our marriages or other intimate relationships.

Documented studies explain the importance of restful and uninterupted sleep. Snoring wakes us up whether we remember it or not. It curtails the the slumber our bodies need.

Do You Know How you Snore?

If you snore with your mouth closed, you most likely have an issue with your tongue. Placement of the tongue during sleep is fairly uncontrollable. You must remember that anything disturbing the airflow is suspect and must be considered.

If you sleep with your mouth open, it's much more likely that your throat tissues are causing this bothersome Zzzzzzzz. Those sleeping on their backs have cases that are generally milder in nature. A change in position and concentration on good posturing will often give this group relief.

If snoring seems to come with mouth open or closed, on your back, stomach and any other imaginable position, well. these are generally more complex cases.

For the larger majority however, a simple lifestyle change to get in better shape or some attention to finding a position for optimal air passage can make a difference in a sleepless night and a night full of rest.

I tailored my Stop Snoring Program for ease of learning and use. Easy daily exercises can lead to peaceful sleeping tonight! - 16004

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The Benefits of Professional Salon Hair Care Products...

By Jennifer Summers

Looking after your hair is a top priority if you pride yourself on having clean and healthy looking hair, and using quality hair care products (i.e. shampoo and conditioner) is a must. However, when it comes to getting the best value for money should you buy professional salon hair care products, or would cheap high street hair care products be just as good?

Comparing hair care products on cost alone, high street hair products may seem cheaper and a better buy, giving the impression of providing more value because of their low cost. Professional salon products on the other hand may seem expensive with a typical 300ml bottle priced around $20/GBP10, 5 times the price of the average high street hair products at an average cost of $4/GBP2.

On just this kind of price comparison alone, it appears that the cheap high street hair products are the winners as you are getting 5 times as much product for the same cost, or the same amount of product for 1/5 the price of the salon professional hair care products.

But when you look into this further, and take into consideration the quality and the effectiveness of the different hair care products, do the figures actually stack up in favour of the cheaper products, or are cheap high street hair care products a false economy? Let's find out?

To see if cheaper high street hair products provide more value for money in both the short and long term when compared with professional salon hair care products, we made the decision to test them both to see how each of the hair products compare against one another in a quality test.

We tested a 300ml bottle of shampoo from the high street and a 300ml salon professional shampoo. With the high street product a 50ml application is standard to clean hair where with the professional product a 10ml application was all that was required to clean the hair to the same standard.

The high street hair shampoo, using a 50ml application, provides 6 applications per 300ml bottle (approximately). The professional shampoo, using a 10ml application, provides around 30 applications per 300ml. Hence the high street shampoo worked out at $0.64c/GBP0.32p whilst the professional shampoo came in at $0.66c/GBP0.33p.

Result: although the high street shampoo appears to be better value, in truth there is very little difference in cost compared to the professional hair shampoo. The professional shampoo is of much higher quality and more effective in cleaning your hair. Buying cheap high street hair shampoo is a false economy. Q? Why would you want to use an inferior product on your hair? - 16004

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The 5 Features For Your Shiatsu Massage Chair Recliner

By James Knolan

We present the 5 top features you should consider when buying a massage chair. These features help you really tailor the massage chairs to your needs. There are so many choices when it comes to massage chairs. You want to sort the wheat from the chaff. If you are seriously considering a massage chair, then think about these most important features and how they might help you.

Finger Press Massage: The pressing massage is usually available in most massage chairs. The finger press is a straight up and down rolling massage on your back. This is great to adjust your cervical discs. The rollers press up and down your spine for great relief. Make sure that you can adjust the width of the rollers. Most have 3 width adjustments and some as many as 5. Varying the width enables you to hit a wider area more accurately.

Heat Therapy: Heat has great healing abilities when applied in the right situations. Many of the top robotic recliners have integrated heating elements into their chairs. Some chairs have the capability to heat only one area while others can heat multiple areas. If you can get the heating with individual area controls, this way you can apply heat to just the area(s) you really want. Heat is very relaxing and helps reduce swelling and increase blood flow.

Massage Courses: Massage courses are different areas that can be covered for your back. The massage rollers in the back of the chair can be moved to one spot, an area or the whole back. Massage courses enable the user to choose which area to cover with a manual massage. Basic massage chairs have 3 massage courses (upper, lower and whole back). In top level massage chairs, 4 or 5 manual courses are typical. If you have lower back pain, then select the lower back massage course and the chair focuses on that region.

Footrest Extension: This is a rather simple feature, but since massage chairs originated in Japan, they have always been small for the American market. To accommodate taller users (i.e. the average American), a footrest extension is critical. Most foot rest extensions allow the foot rest to go out an extra 3 to 4 inches. This doesn?t seem like a lot, but it is the difference between fitting in the massage chair and not. If you are five foot ten or over, you definitely want to investigate this further.

Music - Massage Synchronization: The top massage chair manufacturers have incorporated a music and massage synchronization function. This is a fascinating technology. With the touch of a button, the massage will synchronize its movements to the rhythm of the music. The intensity of the massage also varies with the tempo. Rock music will produce a more invigorating massage then say classical music. It is an interesting technology and when coupled with the right music can be very effective in reducing stress.

We are presenting the five key features that are available from the best massage chairs on the market today. These features represent some interesting innovation on the part of the massage chair manufacturers. These chairs continue to advance rapidly and the choices are getting wider and the features more effective. Make sure you determine the important results you want for your longer term massage therapy needs. Find the right chair just for your needs. - 16004

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Causes of greasy hair, and best products/shampoo for greasy hair

By Jennifer Summers

Greasy hair can appear stringy and fail to keep its lightness and volume within a few hours of shampooing. Greasy hair can seem lifeless, dull oily and lank. It can also appear heavy and flat, refusing to stay clean and fresh. Is this describing your hair? Ever ask yourself "why is my hair greasy?" Others may judge people with greasy hair as having poor hygiene and that they do not wash their hair very often, even if the sufferer washes it every day.

The grease in hair grease is oil and is called Sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands which lie immediately under the skin in you scalp and each hair has a sebaceous gland. Greasy hair is in fact healthy hair, and the oil protects each hair strand from dryness and split ends. Sebum lubricates hair skin and provides a protective barrier to prevent drying. This oil is your own built-in moisturizer.

Greasy hair is actually an excess of sebum in hair which is a result of overactive sebaceous glands over-producing sebum, stimulated by hormones known as androgens. Although they are present in both men and women, androgens are male hormones and are higher in men. Androgens do two things: One, they increase the size of sebaceous glands in the skin. Two, they cause the sebaceous glands to increase the production of oil.

Fluctuating hormones can cause greasy as hormones play a part in sebum production. Greasy hair is most common in women because of either pregnancy or monthly cycle, older women going through the menopause, and teenagers experiencing puberty. Stress can be a contributory factor in greasy hair as it is known to affect hormones levels. People with fine hair on their head may experience excessive greasy hair as they have more hair follicles and more sebaceous glands producing more sebum.

There are several external causes of greasy hair. Washing your hair too frequently can cause more sebum to be produced as frequent washing can strip the hair of oils, to combat this sebaceous glands excrete sebum. Sebaceous glands can be stimulated through vigorous scrubbing of the hair and scalp while washing. Touching your hair can also stimulate sebaceous glands, along with vigorous hair brushing which carries oil throughout the hair. The over-use of styling products can cause hair to look greasy as the products can build-up at the roots. Everyday environmental pollutants can also cause hair to look greasy.

There are also many internal causes of greasy too. I have already mentioned fluctuating hormone levels, but one of the main culprits when it comes to internal causes of greasy hair is diet. Western diets that tend to be greasy, high in fat and sugar, processed and containing additives which can be a major cause of greasy hair as the high fat content increases oil levels in and on the skin. Hormones can be found in meat in the western, adding to the unbalanced hormone levels. A diet lacking in vitamin B can also contribute towards greasy hair.

The secret of how to treat, cure, prevent and avoid greasy hair is to treat it from both the outside, and the inside. For the outside: avoid brushing your hair too frequently, and when you brush avoid brushing your hair vigorously. When you wash your hair, the best shampoo for greasy hair is a mild-ph extra cleansing/clarifying shampoo that is formulated for greasy hair. Avoid moisturizing shampoos as they can leave some oil in your hair to protect against dryness. When washing your hair, avoid scrubbing your hair and scalp vigorously, lightly massage your hair and scalp instead.

For a more thorough cleanse, leave the shampoo in for about 5 minutes. You can always rinse your hair and shampoo a second time. How often you need to wash your hair is down to you. Ideally you should wash your hair 1-2 times per week. To find what is right for you, begin washing daily and then reduce the frequency to find your ideal balance of oil production and washing. If you plan to use a conditioner on your hair, apply the conditioner to the mid and ends of you hair only, and be sure to use a conditioner made for greasy hair. If you are using a hairdryer for hair styling don't let the dryer get too hot, heat can cause the production of more oil.

With the inside: do all that you can to reduce and eliminate any and all stress. In your diet, consider using a vitamin B supplement. Make sure you eat plenty of whole grains, seeds, nuts, leafy green vegetables, salads and fresh fish. Reduce the amount of fatty foods that you eat, avoiding greasy, fried and fatty foods as much as possible. Reduce the number of white flour based foods in your diet, foods like pastries, pasta and bread. Lastly, avoid sugar and sugary foods like biscuits, cakes and soft drinks. - 16004

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Real Alternative Osteoarthritis Treatments

By Mark John

Studies indicate Osteoarthritis as being the most prevalent type of arthritis. Millions of people livig in the western world are reported to suffer with arthritis, with an annual cost thought to be close to $95 billion. Research has discovered that Osteoarthritis is far more common among women, with less of the male population being effected.

Although osteoarthritis can be linked to age, other risk factors may be evident, such as previous injury or trauma. Unfortunately for today's society, with its ever expanding waistline, obesity can have a detrimental effect on osteoarthritis especially in the load bearing joints. Osteoarthritis symptoms will in most cases attack one's hands, back, knees and very commonly their hips

OA is however far less common in the shoulder area than in other joints, however it can develop in the shoulder joint (the glenohumeral joint). In such cases, it is most often associated with a previous injury, and patients gradually develop pain and stiffness in the back of the shoulder. Some of the factors contributing to disease susceptibility include genetics, body mass, previous history of trauma to a major limb, occupational influences, and immobilization.

Being overweight is a modern day epidemic, one witch can have serious consequences for all of us especially arthritics suffering with osteoarthritis. Losing those excess pounds will lessen the strain on the load bearing joints, which in turn will help one's OA.

Osteoarthritis is unfortunately an on going condition

Recent research has discovered that although OA is not classed as an inflammatory condition, arthritics afflicted with osteoarthritis do in many cases have some of the same characteristics as those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis, namely an unusually high number of inflammatory cells found in and around the affected joint.

OA as we know is a very common and unfortunately an on going condition, which does tend to kick in as our body's get older, however more recently reported cases of OA indicate the conditions apparent rise amongst a younger population, which is set to become a significant health issue in the near future. So, while it is still true to say that OA is more prevalent with age, it is not true to describe osteoarthritis as an inevitable part of growing older.

Osteoarthritis is not just one disease, in fact OA is actually a term used to describe many joint de-generation disease, which may appear in many different joint areas, some cases of OA are without doubt very aggressive and quickly worsen with time. Arthritics suffering with OA may experience a wide range of symptoms depending on the severity of their condition.

Joint Deterioration

The breaking up of the cartilage can cause Inflammation of the surrounding joint capsule, though often mild, compared to that which occurs in rheumatoid arthritis.

The swelling is brought on by tiny pieces of the damaged bone finding its way in to the synovial space. Many severe cases of swelling attributed to OA may impair joint mobility.

The effects of osteoarthritis are normally felt at their worst in the morning or last thing at night. With a progressive condition such as OA, surgery is usually the inevitable end result especially in older arthritics, younger patients will normally only be offered joint replacement in exceptional circumstances.

A typical hip or knee joint replacement although common, still only has an 85% chance of being in full functioning condition after around 15 years, Having said that a joint replacement may sometimes be the only avenue to go down, especially in severe cases where mobility has become an issue.

Exercise Helps Relieve Osteoarthritis

Exercising can be very beneficial for those suffering with osteoarthritis, but only at sensible levels which do not put undue strain or pressure on the effected joint. Using exercise is a great way of increasing movement and function of arthritic joints, over time and a sensible exercise programme it is possible to strengthen the tissue, muscle and tendons around the joint, which will help support the damaged joint. Exercising is also great for the rest of the body.

Remember one should always talk to a physician about what types of exercise would appropriate for one's particular condition. A health care professional will be able to recommend an appropriate exercise program.

Not All Arthritis Supplements are Regulated by the FDA

Don't be tempted in to taking supplements that promise the earth, yes they just might work for you, however unless they are governed by the FDA (Food and Drug administration) who knows what your taking, you may end up with a container full of capsules containing nothing more than, ground rock and chalk. Only use FDA approved products.

Treat Arthritis The Natural Way

In many cases arthritis drugs carry so many side effects, and occasionally make the condition worse, not better. Many old and indeed new alternative treatments exist which have been shown to relieve arthritis, I believe they work by tackling the underlying elements of the condition (even in OA)

Remove the Harmful Toxins - and Start Feeling Better!

Drinking large amounts of water daily is a great and easy way of flushing out the damaging debris and toxins which build up in the body. Removing these trapped toxins can have a fantastic effect on most forms of arthritis, including OA. Try to drink filtered or mineral water as opposed to tap water, this is mainly due to the fact that ordinary tap water tends to contain heavy metal.

Eat lots of fruit, make it part of your everyday routine, most fresh fruit contain natures best antioxidant, most fruit will help one's arthritis, However avoid the citrus variety. Other food which is known to be beneficial to many suffering with OA are oily fish which contain high levels of fatty acids and vitamin E.

Treating your own OA, or any arthritic condition, naturally and without drugs may seem a bit of a daunting task, but from experience i can tell you that there's nothing easier. Alternative treatments or just simple little life changes can and do make a difference, take them seriously and you really can relieve your condition. There are many free sites on the web dedicated to natural treatments, why not take a look. - 16004

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Can I Still Eat Bread and Cheese in a Calories Loss Meal?

By Rowena French

You should not eat excessive amounts of breads or grains when you are aiming for calories loss across each day, but you do need to have some of these foods in your diet. Keep basic breads and grains around to use as snacks or for sandwiches and low calorie meals. Eaten in limited portions, they will provide your body with the energy it needs and still accommodate your weight loss plan.

Grains are found in a range of delicious foods that include those eaten for breakfast. Easy to prepare and low in calories are cereals containing whole grain and only a little sugar. A slice of whole grain toast is also low in calories and filled with essential fiber. Limit your breakfast to one slice of toast if you your menu is focusing on calories loss.

Instant brown rice is very healthy, easy and fast to make so throw some frozen vegetables and brown rice into a steamer, cook some chicken breasts and twenty minutes later you have a meal. Whole wheat pitas can be used with a meal, with a snack, and if you stuff some hummus and salad into one, call it lunch. Bake one and cut it into pieces for some crunchy chips as they have less than 200 calories and endless possibilities.

Winter is not the only time you can enjoy a serving of fiber filled oatmeal and still maintain the calories loss you need to lose weight. You can include pasta in your menu for lunch or dinner but limit your portion as too much can be counter productive. Pasta is often served with salad and a low calorie protein meat so it is wise to eat more of these.

Eat whole grain crackers and cheese as a snack instead of potato chips and you will be surprised at how much of a calories loss this accounts for. Crunchy and filling with hardly any calories, rice cakes are the classic diet food. Add a tablespoon of peanut butter on top for some taste and protein.

Dairy products do expire so bulk buying should be carried out carefully. The diary essentials for any calories loss program should include low calorie margarine, 2% milk, low calorie cheese and yogurt. Cheeses add wonderful flavour to low calorie meals and along with yogurt are ideal for dieters because of their portability and their capacity to bring about the calories loss you may need.

Yogurts are fabulous for those following a low calorie diet. Individually portioned and low in calories, they are sweet, great sources of calcium and the perfect size for a snack usually containing less than 200 calories. When the grocery store has a sale on yogurt, stock up.

Some grain food and dairy food can be frozen and along with other frozen foods contribute to a calories loss diet across the length of your weight loss program. Pre cooked and frozen meals are a fabulous way to provide a meal at work, especially since you are aware of the calories they contain. Frozen vegetables can be added to any meal in ways that provide interest and flavour and frozen fruit in unsweetened juice is great for a smoothie or a dessert served with low calorie frozen yogurt. - 16004

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The Underlying Contributing Factors of Rheumatoid Arthritis

By Mark John

Arthritis is a description of not one, but many similar diseases, these diseases also known as musculoskeletal, are all regarded as arthritis as they effect the joint and the surrounding tissue & tendons. All of these arthritic conditions, although linked by a common factor, do have an underlying cause. This debilitating condition has grown into a major health issue, which crosses all social groups and sexes

Arthritis is an increasing issue for an ageing population, studies indicate an alarmingly high number of reported cases of arthritis by people around the age of retirement. These debilitating conditions collectively termed as arthritis, effect around one fifth of the adult population. The risk of developing symptoms of arthritis will increase with age if left unchecked, with those over the age of 70 having only a 30% chance of escaping arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disorder disease. RA may not be a permanent issue with many arthritics reporting periods of remission, having said that, left untreated rheumatoid arthritis will remain underlying and inevitably re-appear when triggered.

Autoimmune disease is a term used to describe a problematic metabolic disorder, in which the body's own defence system receives the wrong signal and proceeds to attack that which it normally defends. RA attacks the synovium, which is the protective lining between the joint, rheumatoid arthritis pain and information is due mainly to the thickening of the synovium.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The symptoms normally associated with RA, are excruciating pain, inflammation, impaired mobility of the effected joint, in time and depending on the severity of the condition, one might experience bone damage, and deformation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Attacks Symmetrically.

RA is not often restricted to just one joint, many arthritics will often find themselves symmetrically effected, such as in both hands, or perhaps in both knees, rheumatoid arthritis has the ability to travel throughout one's body and is not limited to attacking only joints.

How to Really Cure your Own Rheumatoid arthritis!

Rheumatoid arthritis is the symptom of an underlying disease, normal modern medical practice is to offer only symptomatic drug relief, which in my opinion can only lead to an eventual worsening of one's condition, mainly due to the toxicity content.

An autoimmune diseases is difficult to treat with drugs, due to the many different factors involved, anyone trying to treat their own RA will only be successful if they can address the following underlying problems.

* The toxins (many left by drug therapies) must be expelled from one's body.

* Bacterial and fungal issues located in the gut must be tackled.

* Clean and flush the kidneys.

* Avoid known and unknown RA triggers.

* Reduce swelling and inflammation naturally.

* Trapped deposits must be flushed from the joint areas, deposits such as metals ingested through drinking water and pollutants.

* Address excessively high uric acid levels and the body's PH balance.

* Address the problem of damaged tissue and bone.

* Bring excessive free radicals back down to a healthy and normal level.

* Strengthen the natural immune system.

* Lose excess body weight.

* Reduce excess body weight (without a fad diet).

* Loosen and lubricate the joints.

Impossible you might think?, You would be half right, indeed it is basically impossible for today's drug treatments to have any effect on these underlying factors, however, from experience i can tell you that by making a number of simple life changes, and using an alternative approach all of these possible underlying contributing factors can be addressed successfully.

Alternative and natural methods of treatment have been around for thousands of years, a lot of these practices have proven themselves to be effective and perhaps more importantly safe. A natural approach to your RA could be the best and most effective treatment available. - 16004

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Who wants cabbage Soup diet recipes? Click here!

By Jessica A. Anderson

The cabbage Soup diet is a calorie restriction diet. This means that you be eating vegetables with much of your calories than regular diet. But that should not be followed for more than seven days. The actual cabbage soup consists of the following:

6 large green onions, 1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional),1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole), 3 Carrots, 1 Container (10 oz. or so) Mushrooms, 1 48oz can V8 juice (optional), 1 bunch of celery, half a head of cabbage, 1 package Lipton soup mix, 2 green peppers, Season to taste with salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, etc.

This is the best way to to prepare for soup:

Slice the green onions, put them in a pot and begin to saute with a little cooking spray. Then cut the stems off the green peppers, halve them, then take the seeds and membranes out. Chop the green peppers into pieces that are no bigger than bite-size and add them to the pot. Next take cabbage remove the outer leaves, cut into small bite size pieces too and add them to the pot.

Clean the carrots, chop into bite size pieces, and add to pot. Cut the mushrooms into thick slices, add to pot. If you would like a spicy soup, add a small amount of curry or cayenne pepper now.

Use chicken or beef bouillon cubes for seasonings. These have all the salt and flavors you will need. Use about 12 cups of water (or 8 cups and the V8 juice), cover and put heat on low. Let soup cook for a long time - two hours works well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

The diet should not be followed for more than seven days. Visit my site for a complete seven-day plan. You find great recipes, diet plans, and other fantastic diet review, tips and ideas. When you visit today sign up for our newsletter and you'll receive a free ideal weight calculator and BMI calculator. Visit now! - 16004

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Self Help and Insight into Depression

By Dane Masters

As a teenager, I literally devoured books; I loved reading and would read everything and anything, from Readers Digest to Encyclopedias. I even read self help books and found myself particularly fascinated with something that I had been experiencing for years, symptoms of depression. Even though I had felt these symptoms I had no words to describe what I was feeling, and became intent on reading more about this. I now have a good understanding of this syndrome (or illness), and thirty years on, I now know how severely depression can impact on a persons life. Statistics have shown, according to that between thirteen and fourteen million people suffer from, and live with the effects of depressive disorders.

I cannot remember the title, but one of the very first articles I read, contained information regarding depression that still remains true today.

Clinically depressed people suffer from sleeplessness, or they sleep too much, are restless and irritable.

He or she loses interest in once-enjoyable activities and pastimes, in food, and in taking care of his or her person hygiene needs.

The depressive person consistently feels tired, or is permanently exhausted; they feel they don't have enough energy to see them through the day.

More recent studies have shown that ever more people are suffering from depressive disorders; you will be able to discover more on This also shows that other symptoms include:

Persistent, ongoing sadness, an attitude of futility and feelings of worthlessness;

Weight gain or loss;

Overeating (akin to undereating)

Ongoing feelings of physical illness such as stomach pain, digestive disorders and headaches, these are not limited to depression, but all may be treatment resistant.

Recurring thought of or obsession with suicide/death.

I found out-in my forties-I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). A sister disorder is depression. It makes sense that I was fascinated with, intrigued by, or made it imperative to study the disorder of depression, as wherever I went, ADD went, and wherever ADD went, depression went. If you have ADD, depression, and/or experience symptoms of one or both, please know there are many, many books, articles, people, treatments, and solutions. You are not alone and you are not hopeless. You can get that refrigerator you are carrying around off your back. You can stop eating everything in that refrigerator, can wake up from heavy-boned sleep and escape, can shut up the seemingly convincing voice that recommends suicide as a solution, and can actually, one day, smile or even laugh at something again. - 16004

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Find Out Why The Most Popular Diet Plans Aren't The Best Plans!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is hard to turn on the television today and not see an added some sort or one weight-loss plan or another. It begs the question, if they work, why are there so many different kinds? Knowing your body and how it works will let you pick from many diet to market the best one for you. Below I've described some of the more popular weight-loss programs and and provided links to some new promising ones.

1. Jenny Craig. This diet is always in the news. It spokespeople Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, are everywhere. And the public has seen what Jenny Craig has done for these celebrities. This plan is deceptively expensive. The monthly fee is only $20, but the food is very expensive and not included in this monthly fee. However the program combines great food with salads, low-fat dairy, fruits, lots of water, and exercise. Plan matches to the counselor when you can speak with about your progress when you go for weigh ins.

2. Weight Watchers. This diet by far has been a very successful. Almost no food is off limits. The points system, developed by Weight Watchers, lets you eat anything you want as long as you do not eat more than a daily point value assigned to your weight group. this fun as great literature and informative meetings that instruct members how to eat benefits as they can eat more, not be hungry and not gain weight. Exercise is not a large part of this diet even though it's encouraged. My advice, however, is to always exercise. Even if it's just a little. Everyday, each little bit helps more than you know it's a vital part of your day and will improve your life.

3. South Beach. The South Beach diet gets so much attention because of its advertisement that you can lose up to 13 pounds of fat in the first two weeks you're on the diet. this weight is lost because the diet is extremely restrictive than the first two weeks. The idea behind the diet, is to reprogram the body in order to burn calories more efficiently. Those foods that are excluded in the first two weeks are then slowly added back into the diet over time. This diet became so popular so quickly because there are many different makers of South Beach diet products: frozen meals, bars and breakfast cereals. These products are sold in thousands of very popular grocery stores.

4. Nutrisystem. The Nutrisystem diet centers around the glycemic index. A rating system for carbohydrates. He carb is low on this index is one that releases energy and very slow rate throughout the day. This means that the sugar levels in the body will remain stable when you eat low glycemic index carbohydrates. On the other hand, high glycemic foods are those that cause a surge in blood sugar. These foods give you a burst of energy but you crash afterwards. In this diet meals come in ready-made, prepackaged containers. There is no calorie counting, fat watching, or carb calculation.

So how you you choose the right diet for you? All of them are promising and will work. Let me help you. Visit my site now, learn more about these diets and I'll show you how to choose the correct one for you. Visit my site today. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter you'll receive free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 16004

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Healthy Diet Results in Weight Loss

By Christopher Fitch

Successful weight loss does not happen instantaneously. Over an extended period of time, as you ingest more calories than you burn off, this surplus transforms into fat and can result in outright obesity. Since this process has taken time to develop, it stands to reason that it takes just as much time, if not more, to burn off. To accomplish long-term weight loss, you need to incorporate three necessary factors: a healthy lifestyle, a healthy exercise routine, and most importantly a healthy diet.

A healthy diet supports your immune system. It doesn't mean starving yourself while you track your calorie count and opt for a single can of cola instead of five or six small meals. To that end, it also doesn't mean settling for bland foods that taste like cardboard. What it does mean is matching your calorie needs with your lifestyle and physiological requirements. In other words, your diet will be different than your friend's; and it should be.

The most successful diet plans promote the consumption of anti-oxidants. These work as anti-aging agents and also help to keep the skin youthful by rejuvenating tissue that has been damaged over time. Some vitamins contain these elements and are strongly recommended as part of your overall diet. The same holds true for fiber. Most fruits contain both anti-oxidants and fiber and as such are a vital element to a healthy diet.

The no-carb diet has been proven "wrong." Carbs are an important element to a healthy diet and it is more likely that carbohydrate intake needs to be scaled back (not eliminated altogether). What you need to aim for is matching the amount of carbs to the amount of protein that you take in on a regular basis. Ideally, a marginal preference to protein works best and partially replacing carbs with animal or plant protein seems to work fine. Now, that doesn't mean going nuts with protein; some, like red meats, should be limited or avoided because they contain high fat content (lean meats on the other hand should be a regular component to your diet menu).

Most people overlook dairy intake when planning for a healthy diet and are shocked to find that dairy needs to be restricted. Dairy has a direct link to obesity as a result of high fat content. Now, low-cal yogurt and non-fat cottage cheese are exceptions and can be incorporated into your meal plan. Another alternative would be health shakes or protein shakes, but you should consult the dietary guide before purchasing -- keep carbs low and protein high on these products.

Lastly, a regular exercise routine helps to shed extra fluid in our system. It helps keep the skin hydrated, porous, and healthy, and helps burn the current intake of calories as well as burn stored fat. A vital ingredient to the success of an exercise routine is consistency and... water consumption, eight to ten cups daily. Water works best because it flushes the system without adding calories. Plus, it helps keep the muscles hydrated, meaning less chance of cramping and less likelihood of skipping out on an exercise routine.

As noted here, fasting does not have a place in a healthy diet or weight loss. While it sounds cliche, weight loss really is a change in lifestyle, everything from how exercise to what you eat. It doesn't mean settling for tasteless meals; enjoy healthy foods instead but make sure they match up with your body's calorie requirements. Also, bring others into your exercise routine; if you run into resistance, don't call it exercise, call it an evening stroll or spring cleaning involving moving heavy boxes around. Once it becomes routine, you'll be addicted! - 16004

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Why Calories Loss and More Frequent Meals Help You Lose Weight

By Rowena French

Changing your lifestyle instead of 'going on a diet' is essential if you want to enjoy a long term weight loss but it can be difficult, at first, to change your thinking about dieting. If you have always been overweight, you have probably spent years dieting even creating calories loss menus but hating your body. That kind of mindset does not go away overnight, but you can change how you approach dieting and how you think of your body because it is not the enemy, and it is not out to get you.

There are long-term physical and emotional health benefits for developing a healthy body early in life and investing time in keeping it that way. Careful consideration of how you approach food and what you eat through a calories loss menu will be apparent when you begin to enjoy greater energy, more relaxed sleep and even an improved metabolism where the calories in your diet are better processed. It is essential to consider the type of food your body needs to stay healthy and in shape as part of your lifestyle changes.

Exercise is also a necessary part of living a healthy lifestyle because it is crucial to keeping the body strong and healthy. Building muscle will help you burn more calories and help speed up your metabolism. Most exercise will help you do this so but sure that you decide on the type that you will enjoy enough to continue with on a regular basis. Exercise is also a necessary part of living a healthy lifestyle because it is crucial to keep your body strong and healthy. Building muscle will help you burn more calories and help speed up your metabolism. Most exercise will help you do this so but be sure to decide on the type of exercise that you will enjoy enough to continue with on a regular basis.

You can start your new lifestyle now without requiring special meals by ordering a salad for your next lunch, or having a healthy glass of water instead of that soda. When you are at the grocery store, think about the best choice for eating healthily and creating a calories loss in meals across the next week. Instead of reaching for a frozen pizza, select a bag of frozen vegetables for dinner and cook up those vegetables with some white rice and a chicken breast instead of making macaroni and cheese.

The size of our food servings is a key to successful weight loss and often misunderstood by many. As a general rule we do not understand the significance of this and eat around double the amount of food we should at each meal time and then more in between. One way to gauge accurately the portion size we should eat is to look at the size of our closed fist as this is the size of our stomach.

Visualize your stomach by looking at your closed fist. Then remember the size of the last meal you ate and imagine how it would have fit into your stomach. The only way your stomach can fit the large amounts food we eat, is by stretching and this means that we are often unaware of the excess food we consume.

At your next meal scale down the amount of food you eat so that it only fits into your closed fist. You will find that this limits the food you eat and means that you will need to eat another smaller meal sooner than you generally would. Eating smaller meals of this size, 4-5 times a day is a more successful way to bring about weight loss than eating the traditionally larger meals three times each day.

This small but essential aspect of a successful weight loss food program is important to understand and act upon. Although foods that bring about calories loss is a core aspect of long term weight loss, just knowing the size of your stomach and ensuring that it is not unnecessarily stretched and then refilled to the same extent will assist you determine not only what you eat but how much and how often. Smaller and more frequent meals are well worth factoring into your new and healthier lifestyle. - 16004

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Dieting Basics, the Best Way to Start a Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

When applying proper diet and training techniques the process of fat burning can be very easy. A weight loss goal of a pound a week is what experts say you should aim for. Planning your weight loss program is free much like the other best things in life.

When beginning a weight loss plan start with reasonable goals. The safest way to reach your goal is to plan to lose the weight gradually. A safe weekly weight loss of two pounds or less is what is usually recommended.

Change your diet, then try to burn fat. You need to cut back the calories that you eat by eating smaller quanities of food and by choosing meals that are lower in calories.

Consider limiting portion sizes, especially of foods high in calories. Keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol as low as possible. Choose foods naturally high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes such as beans and lentils, and whole grains. The high fiber content of many of these foods may help you to feel full with fewer calories.

You also need to change lifestyle and not just go on a diet. It means being more physically active. Speeding down your metabolism is bad, and this can be caused by not exercising enough.

Recommended by the majority of all health experts, increased physical activity and a reduced calorie diet are said to greatly contribute to weight loss. Exercise does not have to be strenuous to be beneficial. Some studies show that quick sessions of workout many times per day give the same result as long sessions give for taking of fat and for better helth.

In order to reduce your weight and keep it off, a lot of people have to perform in excess of a half hour per day of moderate to vigorous work outs. One of the easiest forms of exercise is walking, and it's easy for anyone.

Setting attainable goals increases your ability to reach those goals which will make it easier to lose the weight and keep it off. The best method of achieving permanent weight loss is to embrace a way of life defined by nutritious food consumption and consistent exercise.

You will understand what weight loss dieting naturally means if you take this advice. Hopefully this instructive advice will be of benefit to you. - 16004

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Back Pain Relief with a Hawaiian Massage Chair Recliner

By Steve Esquire

Do you suffer from back pain? Is it more in the shoulder or neck, maybe it's the lower back? Are you seeking any treatments to help alleviate the pain and heal the affected area? Massage chairs have stepped up to offer a variety of treatments and offer Hawaiian massage. Hawaiian massage uses long, flowing strokes, some deep tissue and in some cases stretching. The Hawaiian massage can be a great treatment for back pain in the lower back, shoulders and neck.

Hawaiian massage has a long history. It was originated by the ancient Polynesians medicine men. They learned different methods that help to increase healing within the body. These techniques involved the use of the hands pressing stronger and stronger to penetrate deep into the muscles. They also used gentle swaying motions to loosen the muscles and provide relief.

The shamans of the ancient Polynesions viewed the body as having an energy. They theorized that energy flowed through the body. According to their system, they say problems in the body as where the energy was blocked. They began to develop a cause and effect logic for human healing. They began to correlate certain techniques with a given set of effects. They were able to deduce where energy was blocked and then how to manipulate it to flow once again.

The gentle swaying motions of the Hawaiian massage set it apart from other techniques. These rhythmic movements help to reduce the tightness of muscles. Muscles become tight when used, so loosening the muscles helps to restore their elasticity and flexibility. These massage therapy also uses elements of deep tissue. Deep tissue is used to relieve the whole muscle down to the bone, not just the surface areas. Firm pressure is used to penetrate through the muscles.

If you are interested in the Hawaiian massage, you may be interested to know that massage chairs have picked up the technique. Top tier massage companies like Omega and Panasonic have replicated the most beneficial movements in their recliners. Panasonic has specialized programs just for Hawaiian massage. These are very effective in relieving back pain. Omega has a wonderful sway massage which gentle, but firmly loosens muscles and eases aches and pains. These chairs are very effective in delivering these special massage therapies.

Massage chairs have come a long way over the years. The technology that is integrated into these mechanical masseuses is nothing short of impressive. Most massage chairs have the capability to perform an array of massage therapies. Hawaiian massage has certain advantages for relieving stress, tension and aches in the back, neck and shoulders. Let the "Loving Hands" of these robotic masseuses show their fondness for relieving your aches and pains. - 16004

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Shiatsu Massage Chair Recliners Provide Daily Stress Relief

By James Knolan

A day spa is a great place to go to relax. You can find many different massage therapies to relieve your tensions and anxieties. For most of us, the use of a day spa may be once a week or maybe a few times a week. The occasional day at the spa helps to relieve stress that has built up over the course of a week or a few days. Unfortunately, the stress reduction from an afternoon at the spa lasts for the rest of the day. Stress and anxiety is ongoing and doesn't stop at the day spa. You can have daily stress relief with a shiatsu massage chair recliner.

Massage is being shown in many new studies to help reduce instances of anxiousness and feelings of stress. Therapeutic massage helps people feel more relaxed as well as alert. A massage for stress relief aids in relaxation because it contributes to peace of mind and to an emotional feeling of well-being. A shiatsu massage chair helps to relieve aching and tired muscles helping one to relax.

The best massage chair manufacturers include music therapy. These manufacturers have functions to synchronize the massage to the music in their MP3 players. The mind has many ongonig pertubations making relaxation difficult. Music therapy induces relaxation by calming and quieting the mind. The top massage chairs provide a total sensory environment with music and massage inducing whole body relaxation.

Massage has a strong, positive impact on stress and anxiety. Doctors and researchers are noting that patients have lower blood pressure, increased circulation, heal from injury quicker, and sleep sounder. There are shiatsu massage recliners that can provide massage therapy effectively to the entire back, the lower body and the hands and arms. These massage chairs provide total body massage therapies effectively relieving stress while helping relatation.

As anxiety and tension decreases with a routine massage chair therapy, the body's energy and invigoration increases. As one feels better, in turn, an improved self-image, sense of self worth may result. In fact, massage therapy and the depression connection is now being explored. That's because massage therapy has in some cases helped to reduce feelings of depression and negative self-worth. If your body is stressed and you cannot relax, this can lead to anxiety which may start thoughts of negativity. With the help of a shiatsu massage chair, this cycle could be reversed.

Day spas have a variety of treatments like peels, wraps and saunas. Obviously, these therapies are not currently available in a massage chair. As technology advances, one might see these treatments in the future with a massage recliner. At the present time, a daily morning or evening massage in a shiatsu recliner can change your attitude in the comfort of home. For now it is still worth a drive to the day spa, but having a massage chair increases the frequency of access to massage therapy to provide daily relief. The key being to reduce stress and anxiety as it arises and not letting it build up over time. - 16004

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Part-1 The Best Fat Loss Tips And "KEEP IT Off

By Florentina Ryan

Part-1 Weight loss is base on eating the right diet and exercise regularly. It is simple if you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. If you want to loss weight and keep it off, weight loss should be in the region of 1-2 pounds every week. Research shows that the best weight loss occurs when you take weight off slowly. Understanding this concept fully you are on your way to losing weight. Weight loss is attainable and sustainable when combine with moderate dietary changes and 20-40 minutes of effective exercise ( such as walking, swimming or cycling ) five days a week.Remaining and sticking to a plan like this will change your body and your life for good and live longer!

Dieting alone can help you lose weight. To cut 250 calories from your everyday diet help you lose about half a pound a week: 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of fat. But dieting combine with regular exercise 5-7 days week helps you loss the excess weight quicker and faster.

Educating dieters on all aspects of weight loss and help them gain the required skills to successfully manage their weight for the rest of their lives is the most sensible way to go. Dieting may affect up visions of eating little but lettuce and sprouts, but you can enjoy all foods as part of a healthy diet as long as you do it in moderation. To be successful at losing weight, you need to change your lifestyle, not just simply go on a diet, experts say.

Exercise also affects the total amount of calories you burn each day. The goal in any weight loss program is to keep your metabolism increased through any of the factors that you can control. Exercise is not only the key to looking better and losing weight, but it will save your life!

To be successful in losing weight, one must be motivated, disciplined, determined, and have a weight loss plan! The dieter must be able to follow specific and realistic daily and weekly goals, and honest with oneself. Weight loss involves hard work which most people are too lazy to put up the effort needed to make it work and that is why diets fail and most people gain back their weight quickly. Eating the right balance of the right foods is the key to good health.

One extra day of exercise makes you feel that you are doing better than what you expected which is a positive reinforcement. Consistent regular exercise with strength training can stop or prevent the muscle loss associated with dieting and keep the metabolism running strong! Exercise is the key to lose weight, look better, feel great and also it will save your life

Eating 500 fewer calories per day will result in a weight loss of 1 pound per week. Eating 250 fewer calories per day combined with a 250-calorie deficit from exercise will also result in a weight loss of 1 pound per week. Eating five low-calorie meals a day helped you shed the extra fat. - 16004

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How To Build Muscle Fast Through Proper Goal Setting

By Frankie Mills

If you're trying to build muscle fast, you're not alone. Many people are in the same position that you are in, as far as muscle building goes. In fact, figuring out the proper muscle building strategy for you can take years to do. It all depends on your body type.

If you want to build muscle, you need to keep your own genetic situation in mind. If you have a predisposition for being thin, for example, it can be a bit more difficult for you to build up the muscles that you desire. The key is not to waste your time on inappropriate exercises. Instead, tailor a routine to suit your needs.

Some people make mistakes with their eating habits, sleeping habits or general training, when they are trying to build muscle. You may be one of those people. Basically, you need to make sure that you monitor all of those things, so you can avoid having bad results.

One thing that will help you to build muscle fast is having a routine and setting a goal for yourself. Setting the wrong goals, however, can create problems for you later on, so you should set goals with care.

Building muscle requires goals, though, definitely. Knowing how much muscle you want to build is half the battle. How many inches do you want to add to those biceps? Figuring that out is good, but it's far from the only thing you need to know. You need a broader plan than just an end goal and a few routine changes, though.

Daily planning is the vital missing part of that goal planning. If you want to build muscle, you need to be able to set up a daily game plan for yourself. If you have the ability to follow daily processes and take daily actions to reach your end goal, you'll build muscle.

Having a daily plan for your muscle building process might seem like common sense. You'd be surprised how many people don't think to do it, though. If you want to really get ahead of those people and build muscle fast, you need to stick to a daily step by step plan.

One example of daily goal setting is to decide, for instance, to work out at the gym every evening. That's a simple goal to monitor. If you work out, you are sticking to your daily goal. If not, you aren't. It's that simple.

Adjusting your diet is also an important step to building muscle. Eating healthy is key. You might even want to plan and prepare your meals for the day in the morning. Making healthy food choices and preparing and eating those foods each day is an important daily goal to set.

Don't worry if you don't succeed at building muscle at first. It can take a bit of time to get into a good routine. All you have to do is make sure you have a good daily routine in place and avoid making major mistakes with your training and you can build muscle quickly. - 16004

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Why Skin Dr.s don't use your average night time moisturizer.

By Dr. Grace Angel

Night time moisturizers in many circumstances have been a marketing success rather than a breakthrough in skin care. Some products, however, are quite helpful. The market is flooded with products that in essence do nothing, "You have a lot of high-priced night creams that really don't have the bang for the buck," according to Dr. Patricia K. Farris, a New Orleans dermatologist.

Night Time Moisturizer Manufacturers Inflate Results

Manufacturers oftentimes make extravagant claims that its product will revitalize your skin and turn back the clock, but these claims are just clever packaging. "Companies say that your skin rejuvenates itself at night, or it does these special processes that it doesn't do in the day, and there's no proof of that at all," says Dr. Leslie Baumann, professor of dermatology at the University of Miami.

Dermatologists Agree that Some Night Creams Contain Proven Anti-Aging Ingredients.

Proven anti-aging compounds do exist: Retinol, Peptides (proteins), and Vitamin C have been shown to improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. And the use of Retinol in a night time moisturizer, "makes perfect sense because retinol can be rendered inactive by sunlight," says Dr. Baumann. Peptides and Vitamin C boost the skin's product of collagen, which smoothes wrinkles and improves skin firmness.

To be effective a night time moisturizer must (a) contain the right ingredients (retinol, vitamin C, and peptides) in the right concentration and (b) be used for a long enough period of time to activate and work. Typically for at least five hours a night for eight weeks. If the creams are used inconsistently, the desired results will not be achieved. According to Seattle, Washington dermatologist Dr. Sandy Read, "A moisturizer will not do any good unless it is given enough time to penetrate the skin."

The Bottom Line

Just because a night time moisturizer is expensive doesn't mean its going to work. A quality product must contain the right ingredients in the proper concentration. Before you buy the wrong product, make sure that the one you do purchase contains proven age-fighting compounds like vitamin C, peptides, and retinol. It is possible to find a reputable brand online using search engines but I do recommend a reliable source, This website is wholly dedicated to night creams and, of course, night time moisturizers. The site contains a treasure trove of information about the use and efficacy of night creams and moisturizers. Remember to do your homework do not be taken in by slick marketing, only buy those products that contain the right ingredients in the proper proportions. The right night time moisturizer will enhance the firmness of your skin by boosting collagen production and will help you fight the effects of aging. - 16004

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Tips on Bodybuilding, Alcohol and the Muscle Gain Process

By Ricardo d Argence

During the next few sentences, we will discuss why alcohol influences growth of new muscle tissue.

Another thing that will frustrate your efforts to build muscle is consuming too much alcohol. People underestimate the affects of alcohol and the way this drug changes their lives.

It negatively affects protein synthesis. Protein is made by the joining of amino acids to form complete proteins. The problem becomes obvious when you realize that your muscles, which are composed of mostly protein, work less when alcohol is consumed in large amounts.

It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen. Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. One of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can gain is their level of free-flowing testosterone. If you are serious about building muscle and burning fat, you want all the free testosterone levels you can get.

It causes dehydration. Acute dehydration can be caused by the kidneys having to use a large quantity of water to disperse the alcohol. Water is an essential part of the muscle building process, so you must stay hydrated or suffer the consequences of seeing less progress. Your muscles themselves consist of 70% water.

Significant vitamins such as A, C, B, Calcium and several others are depleted quickly when you drink alcohol. Natural supplements keep your bodies running correctly and much of this is related to muscular development and maintaining such.

Alcohol can be surprisingly fattening because of the 7 empty calories per gram. One key process in burning fat, the Kreb's Cycle, is influenced negatively by alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption affects the quality of your sleep, more so when you consume the alcohol during the hours you normally sleep. Obviously, a good night's sleep each night is crucial to the development of muscle mass. You must also get in enough rest and recovery or your efforts will be thwarted.

My your life worth wild but try not to go to wild cause it can lead to problems. If you want to build muscle you have to limit your alcohol intake.

Don't be afraid to go out and have a good time once in a while, just make sure to keep your drinking nights infrequent and properly nourish yourself to lessen its effects. - 16004

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Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast - 5 Bad Habits to Eliminate

By Teresa Brown

Time for a new mom passes so quickly that the months soon pass into years and before she knows it, the pregnancy weight has never left her and she's now overweight. Why was she not able to lose the pregnancy weight fast? Here are 5 possible reasons as to why pregnancy weight has never and will never leave you.

1. Choosing to Eat Bad Foods

If the majority of the food you buy from the grocery store is packaged in a box or can, then you need to make some serious changes. Most processed foods are high in fat, sugar and salt and low in vitamins and minerals because these foods are changed from their organic state for reasons of safety, longer shelf life and convenience. Processed foods are bad for your health and can be a roadblock to lose your pregnancy weight fast.

Be a smart consumer and opt for more natural foods (fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish) or food products with more natural ingredients. Go for healthy processed foods such as fortified milk and fruit juices or frozen produce which, although frozen, still have their nutrients.

2. Fast Food Nation

Fast food is addictive. The convenience of fast food is an easy meal solution for moms on the go. But due to the high in saturated fat, sugar, salt content, these foods are just empty calories. Eating too much fast food will increase your size and is a definite self-sabotage to losing the pregnancy weight fast.

You don't have to spend hours in the kitchen to eat healthy meals. Organization and planning ahead are two useful skills to have when running a busy household. This will allow you to be able to cook and eat at home. You can discover the many healthy and tasty recipes by buying a health cook book or surfing the Internet for free recipes.

3. Breakfast Skippers

Missing meals or not feeding your body consistently will prevent your metabolism from working at its normal rate. An under performing metabolism will not burn the fat as effectively as compared to one that is fueled properly.

Just think of how often you feed your baby and how often you feed yourself. A baby feeds often because a baby's body needs frequent nourishment to provide energy to fuel proper development and growth. Likewise, in order for your metabolism to be able to sustain your daily activities and to lose pregnancy weight fast you should eat six small healthy meals per day.

4. Eating Food to feel Better

Once in a while munching on a bag of chips while you watch some TV is not a bad thing to do. But if it's one of your many bad food habits which you know is not good for you but can't seem to stop yourself, you need to take the necessary steps to change your high calorie eating habits. Eating junk food when you're bored, depressed or stressed is not going to get you to lose pregnancy weight fast.

One surefire way to help lose pregnancy weight fast is to stop buying or replacing these foods with healthier choices. Also finding other non-food outlets to deal with your emotional eating such as joining a yoga or meditation class can help wean you off of eating for comfort.

5. Lack of Exercise

How often do you walk your dog? Our bodies are built for action but thanks to technology our lifestyles are becoming more and more sedentary and we're getting fatter and fatter. We spend more time in our cars, on our computers and on our couches than walking, running, cycling or hiking.

An obvious way to lose pregnancy weight fast is to exercise. Whether you walk your dog more often or climb a set of stairs at the shopping mall, being active doesn't mean you have to join a fitness club or get a personal trainer. Signing up for a yoga or water aerobics class, buying a fitness DVD or playing tag with your children are a few of the many ways you can make physical activity a way of life.

Take responsibility for your health by being an informed consumer. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Exercise daily with and without your family. Life is what you make it, so take charge to live healthy and make it fun. - 16004

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Massage Chair Myth Busters - The More Motors the Better!

By James Knolan

Every industry has its myth about products, technology or features. The massage chair industry is no different and many myths have been put forward. One paticularly persistent one is about the number of motors. This myth claims that the more motors the better. There were claims of shiatsu massage chairs having 6, 10 or even 18 motors. Of course, having more motors can be advantegeous, but also has tradeoffs. Are these claims sustainable in reality. This myth is put to the test.

This myth is going to be challenged in this article to reveal the real truth about the more motors the better the chair myth. First, one should examine the tradeoff of quantity versus quality. If a massage chair has 3 motors versus 18 motors, what is the quality level of the motors in the massage chair? Obviously, motors, not being cheap, mean that as the number of motors is increased, the cost of the chair must increase assuming the quality level is equal. However, as more motors are added, the lower priced motors (i.e. lower quality motors) will be used.

Space is another constraint like in any product. Motors used in shiatsu massage chairs are not small motors and must be allocated space. As the number of motors increases, then more mechanisms must be installed around each motor taking up more space. Motors weigh from 2 lbs to 5 lbs each. A massage chair having 3 motors would have 6 lbs in motor weight, whereas, as a massage chair having 18 motors would have 36 lbs each or if 5 lbs each 90 lbs, just in motors. More motors equal more weight.

The real issue is does having more motors increase the quality of the massage? After all, this is the basis of the massage motor myth. Most shiatsu massage chairs, whether high end luxury models to even lower level models tend to use a 3 motor system for the back massage rollers. One motor drives the roller unit up and down the chair back. Two motors are mounted on the roller system with one motor to perform a kneading motion and the other motor to perform a tapping motion. Both motors can be run simultaneously to product a kneading/tapping massage.

There is a 5 motor design where the kneading and tapping use two motors each. This is done by having a motor on both the left and right side rollers for both the kneading and tapping. Having 2 motors for kneading splits the duty and should lead to longer motor life. Did it make any difference in the massage capabilities? There was no noticeable difference. Is more better?

If the motor does not create a new and unique massage, then what value does it add? Why have more motors and potentially more problems? The simpler the design, the higher the quality and the less problems down the road. Remember, each motor needs to have controls, software, wiring, etc. to integrate it into the overall massage chair. This drives complexity, increases the testing required to ensure quality and if cheaper motors are substituted, then reduces reliability. Do not buy into the myth that more motors the better for a shiatsu massage chair. Simple is always better! - 16004

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Idiot Proof Diets, Fact Or Fiction? Find Out Now. CLICK HERE!

By Jessica A. Andersen

This article is the first in a series of articles that will scrutinize, expose, and examine so-called idiot proof diets.

The first diet plan that we will scrutinize is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This diet has 7 basic steps (1) eating 4 meals a day; (2) eliminating sweets; (3) alternating between carbs and protein intake; (4) exercise in the form of walking; (5) drinking plenty of water; (6) cooking your own meals in your home; (7) eating only until you are satisfied not full.

The Plan is easy to follow because you are provided with a diet generator that creates daily diet plans for you. They claim that by following the diet you lose 9 pounds every 11 days.

Let's cover the bad news first, the forbidden foods. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet excludes starchy carbs like pasta, potatoes, and bread. Not all carbs are forbidden, however, this isn't the Atkins diet. More bad news, alcohol is by and large exclude. With one exception, you're allowed one glass of wine daily. Lastly, there are no calorie restrictions or portion limits, but you are encouraged to eat only until satisfied not until you are full.

Do people actually lose weight using Fat Loss 4 Idiots, does this thing work? My research shows that a majority of people who follow the diet do lose weight. I've examined, scoured, and scrutinized forums, chat rooms, Yahoo, MSN, Google, and other search engines. The overall response from people who follow the diet is positive, they lose weight.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet, however, has its detractors. Some people complain that the diet becomes repetitive and bland after a while. You know what they say, you can't please all the people all the time. This is a diet people. If it was completely pain-free and fun and easy to be called a vacation. And remember you work out and diet in order to go on vacation.

The bottom line: this diet plan is a success. The people who follow it to lose weight. By and large majority people who follow the diet lost on average three to 6 pounds per week. So the diet's boast that you will lose 9 pounds every 11 days is supported by my research. To learn more visit my site today.

Because I want visitors, I'm giving away free dieting software. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter, you'll get a free Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator and a free ideal weight calculator. My free gift for you just for visiting.

Make sure you sign up for my free newsletter because I will be profiling new diet plans, diet pills, exercise plans, and fantastic nutritional supplements everyday. And I will report the truth to you based upon my research and analysis. Thank you for reading my article I hope to see you soon at my site. Click on my links directly below! - 16004

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How Beans Effect Coffee Quality

By John Bakers

In the coffee business there are people called a 'barista'. A 'barista' is some who prepares coffee drinks. Also in the coffee business there are professional coffee tasters called 'cuppers'. Cuppers and baristas work together with the companies to find the best tasting beans to create the best drinks. It the barista, though, who left to serve the customer with the final product and they who will be told upfront just how good it is. That is why their opinions are highly valued.

Coffee beans are produced in around 70 different countries. They are produced everywhere from Africa to the Middle East and from South America to the Caribbean. They are also produce in Hawaii. The band of coffee producing countries is around the equator where the weather is perfect for growing them. Of course each country has it own climate which somewhat differ from each other. This causes each country to produce their own unique type of coffee bean. The difference in the equipment and techniques used also can be seen form country to country and also in a factor in how different the coffee product is. Despite these differences, though, coffee plants are all in two major categories - Arabica and Robusta. Robusta has half the caffeine of Arabica and is used in the finest coffees. They are more flavorful beans with a full aroma. Higher altitudes make for better bean growth. In fact altitudes at 3000 feet or above are preferred. Coffee beans grown in these premium conditions are called Milds. Beans grown at lower altitudes are called by different names, such as Brazils.

Judgment of the bean will include consideration to where it is grown as mentioned above. Additionally. The judgment will also take into consideration roasting. The customer may roast their own beans, so they will get a good green colored bean and that is about as far as the judgment goes. However, for those looking for roasted beans, the judgment is broken down further. There are light beans that are often referred to as cinnamon. They are acidic and have a lot of caffeine content. Then there are medium beans which are also called American. They are darker and do not produce the highest quality, but they are popular. Then there are the dark or city roast that are used in many specialty shops because they have low caffeine and an acid taste that result in a less bitter and sweeter cup of coffee. They are general use din espresso. There is also the French roast which is full bodied, dark and made with an oily bean. There is the darkest or Italian roast. It is used a lot for espresso and has a deep brown color with a pungent aroma and are considered to make a fine cup of coffee. As you go from light to darkest the taste and quality of the coffee will be less acidic and more sweet. The carmelization of the sugar in the coffee bean during roasting is the reason for this. The longer the roasting the more sweetness and the less caffeine which causes a bitter taste.

The next time you are out shopping for coffee you can keep these barista tips in mind for choosing the best kind of coffee for your coffee makers. You should know the beans and understand what type you need to suit your taste. - 16004

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Golf Head Covers: Keep Your Clubs From Prying Eyes

By Matthew Perry

Is your golf game just a tad boring? Here's a way to spice up your game while you're improving your skills or getting over the slump. Golf head covers are a easy way to add some style to your golf bag.

A golf club cover is a special golf accessory designed to protect your putter, driver and irons from damage. Every time you put your clubs back into the bag and they hit another club you get a tiny scratch or knick on the head of the club? Over time the club head chrome plate finish starts to wear away exposing the steel carbon of the club head.

The finish on your clubs protects them from rust. As the finish thins the potential for rust increases. Rust isn't totally preventable but it can be slowed. An easy way to slow the progression of rust is to use golf head covers.

Not all clubs are made of a metal that rusts. But scratches are a reality with all clubs. It's not only looks, but if the nicks become sufficiently deep or long the balance of your club can be affected.

Have fun and show off your style with golf club covers. You can make a statement without saying a word about your interests, hobbies and even politics.

You'll have a great time choosing from all available golf covers. Sports fan? There's college, NBA, NFL, UEFA, and FIFA covers to show your team spirit. If you're a comic book or cartoon fan, you can take the Pink Panther or Popeye along with you. Animal lovers aren't left out either. Your golf bag can have lions and tigers and bears and more. Feeling patriotic? There are golf covers representing almost every world flag.

Besides protecting your club heads from nicks and scratches, golf head covers keep prying eyes away from knowing what brand clubs you use. By prying eyes I mean people who steal clubs. Golf head covers make your choice of brand a little less obvious. Making yourself a less visible target isn't a 100% guarantee but it can make your clubs less obvious.

Protect your investment with golf club headcovers today. - 16004

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Natural Treatment for Mole Removal in 3 days

By Aaron Lilly

Mole does makes you look very pretty and they can be beauty spots which makes you different from the rest, do make a note that its mole and not moles. When they are in a bunch they look very ugly which makes you hide behind someone or cover them by makeup.

Moles are overgrowth of the skin cells and when these cells appear in clusters they form moles. The reason for the appearance can be because of the age, hormonal variations, exposure of skin to sun or may be hereditary. They can occur anywhere at anytime on the body, and are common in many people.

These moles can be of any shape, size and its color may be skin brown, dark brown or even black. Moles are not necessarily harmful, they are just the skin overgrowth, but when you feel the itch or if they are growing, changing colors then those moles can be dangerous as these are the symptoms of melanoma. Moles which are suspicious have to be removed immediately.

When skin is exposed to sun or by genitival variation moles can appear. The pigment generating melanocytes present in cells of the skin should be evenly spread over the body, if these are produced in excess they will lead to moles. The cause for skin cancer is when these moles formed by excess melanocytes get larger in size or leak. Then moles are dangerous to be ignored.

Removal of moles can be done in three different surgical treatments. A dermatologist would suggest the treatment depending on the size, color and shape of the mole you have, they are best to determine the moles suspicious for cancer. The surgical treatments for mole removal are stitching the skin, excision of moles by burning the moles, the last is Laser treatment where laser beam is passed through the skin and the moles are removed from the root.

Surgery for mole removal has become very common. The moles are put under knife by the dermatologist and are charged on an average of $125 per visit. In this type of surgery, the skin surrounding the mole is also removed to avoid the risk of melanoma. All the surgical procedures leave bandages for you to remember the mole removal and the pain or the stitches and burn will leave scars which will take long time to heal. - 16004

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Depression -Do You Have These Symptoms?

By Harold Ulvaeus

Do you ever wonder if you have depression? Many of us will have feelings that fit the definition of depression, but is it really depression? Clinical Depression is a mental disorder that affects millions of people. Disrupting lives, weaving itself into all aspects of our life, yet the feelings of depression can also be normal. Confusing? Let's look at some of the criterias for depression.

All of us experience blue moods once in a while. We all experience feelings of sadness. It is just a normal part of going through life. When those blue moods turn into a dark heavy persistent cloud, and when those sad and hopeless feelings become your predominant feelings, you may indeed be suffering from depression.

Depression is not a mood that can be alleviated by will power. Depression is a mental disorder that can change how you think. It changes your outlook on life and the future. It affects your beliefs and how, and if, you want to interact with others.

Since normal feelings of sadness, and the feelings of depression are very similar, differentiating between the two is usually by time and intensity. The feelings from depression are much more intense than a normal reaction to a negative event.

Typically, the threshold for diagnosing depression is about two weeks. When we experience negative events, it is normal to want to withdraw, and to feel sad. If after a few weeks you are still withdrawn and there is no relief from the sadness, it is possible that you have entered a depressive episode. Untreated depression can last for months to years.

How is depression treated? The good news is that depression is very treatable. Combining therapy with medication is usually quite effective. Investigating some of the newer "Energy Therapies" such as Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapas Acupressure Technique can bring some impressive results and can be done in conjunction with traditional methods.

Depression can happen to anyone. It is not an affliction of those who are weak. Strong people can get depression as well. if you suspect that you may be suffering from depression, remember, the sooner you get help, the sooner you will feel better. - 16004

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Herbal Treatment for Gynecomastia

By Derek Silverman

There are many men who are suffering from a condition that causes their breasts to become enlarged. The condition is known as gynecomastia and it is growing along with the rise of obesity. One of the big causes in this rise in obesity and male breast enlargement is the popularity of fast food products. The unhealthy foods can result in a growing problem with excess weight and unsightly male breasts. It is important that the problem be resolved for many men. The loss in self-esteem and confidence can devastate the patient's life.

There is an abundance of men who are looking for a treatment for their problem. Many of them are considering a surgical remedy for their gynecomastia. Surgery is not without its risks and complications and it is not necessary for a flat chest.

There are some alternatives to eliminating this problem. One of the treatments that are available is herbal treatment. These treatments will work to minimize the size of your breasts. Gynexin is an effective treatment for enlarged male breasts. This herbal treatment is designed to go after the fatty tissues in the mammary glands. There have been some great results shown with the use of this herbal treatment for gynecomastia.

There is another drug that is used in the treatment of enlarged breasts. Nolvadex is used to reduce the production of estrogen, which can be the cause of the problem. This will help to minimize the size of the breast area. It has also been successfully used to prevent breast cancer in some patients.

There is a very good success rate with herbal treatments for gynecomastia, but that does not mean that you should not visit with your doctor. Your doctor should be informed if you are going to use any medication or treatment to combat your enlarged breast problem. The doctor will be able to tell you if the medication or herbal treatment will interfere with any other medication that you might be taking.

If you haven't tried herbal treatments before, I suggest that you visit forums and discussion boards that are frequented by people who are also suffering from man boobs. These forums can greatly help you as they usually contain product recommendation and product comparison.

An herbal treatment will work best if it is used in combination with a well balanced diet and exercise. The exercise plan should include exercises that will focus on your upper body. Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that will help you to reduce your weight and the excess fat in your breast area. It is also necessary to include some cardiovascular exercise in your plan to eliminate the gynecomastia. When you do exercises that are designed to build the upper body, the muscle tone will help to reduce the appearance of the enlarged breasts. - 16004

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