Friday, October 31, 2008

Self Help and Insight into Depression

By Dane Masters

As a teenager, I literally devoured books; I loved reading and would read everything and anything, from Readers Digest to Encyclopedias. I even read self help books and found myself particularly fascinated with something that I had been experiencing for years, symptoms of depression. Even though I had felt these symptoms I had no words to describe what I was feeling, and became intent on reading more about this. I now have a good understanding of this syndrome (or illness), and thirty years on, I now know how severely depression can impact on a persons life. Statistics have shown, according to that between thirteen and fourteen million people suffer from, and live with the effects of depressive disorders.

I cannot remember the title, but one of the very first articles I read, contained information regarding depression that still remains true today.

Clinically depressed people suffer from sleeplessness, or they sleep too much, are restless and irritable.

He or she loses interest in once-enjoyable activities and pastimes, in food, and in taking care of his or her person hygiene needs.

The depressive person consistently feels tired, or is permanently exhausted; they feel they don't have enough energy to see them through the day.

More recent studies have shown that ever more people are suffering from depressive disorders; you will be able to discover more on This also shows that other symptoms include:

Persistent, ongoing sadness, an attitude of futility and feelings of worthlessness;

Weight gain or loss;

Overeating (akin to undereating)

Ongoing feelings of physical illness such as stomach pain, digestive disorders and headaches, these are not limited to depression, but all may be treatment resistant.

Recurring thought of or obsession with suicide/death.

I found out-in my forties-I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). A sister disorder is depression. It makes sense that I was fascinated with, intrigued by, or made it imperative to study the disorder of depression, as wherever I went, ADD went, and wherever ADD went, depression went. If you have ADD, depression, and/or experience symptoms of one or both, please know there are many, many books, articles, people, treatments, and solutions. You are not alone and you are not hopeless. You can get that refrigerator you are carrying around off your back. You can stop eating everything in that refrigerator, can wake up from heavy-boned sleep and escape, can shut up the seemingly convincing voice that recommends suicide as a solution, and can actually, one day, smile or even laugh at something again. - 16004

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