Friday, October 31, 2008

When Snoring Becomes a Problem

By Christian Goodman

Snoring certainly isn't mystery to most people. We're very familiar with it and can usually at least witness it right in our own homes.

Moms tease dads about their snoring and sometimes it's mom who snores. The point is, snoring is quite common. At some point we have all snored or known of someone who did.

What we cannot all readily discern however, are the reasons behind snoring.

"The Stop Snoring Exercise Program" forced me to examine various causes of snoring and incorporate them into the system.

Why we snore

One reason is unavoidable. We were born with certain physical traits that make us snore.

Enlarged adenoids, narrow nasal passages, or throat may be reasons for snoring that you simply cannot avoid.

For those approaching middle age, snoring becomes much more prevalent as the throat narrows and muscle tone relaxes. Being born male will increase your chances of snoring.

Reduced air flow through the nose due to an illness or having allergies can result in snoring as well as a poor night's rest.

Those culprits present themselves for the most part no matter what we do to avoid them.

Other culprits are within our realm of control. Some of those include our physical sleep disposition, certain medicines, habits such as smking etc.

Effects of Snoring

Anyone who snores does experience negative effects as well as those who are around it.

Marriages and relationships often suffer as snoring creates a divide among two people trying to sleep together. It's isolating and often prevents people from spending some of the most intimate time together.

Damage is done to our bodies and to our marriages or other intimate relationships.

Documented studies explain the importance of restful and uninterupted sleep. Snoring wakes us up whether we remember it or not. It curtails the the slumber our bodies need.

Do You Know How you Snore?

If you snore with your mouth closed, you most likely have an issue with your tongue. Placement of the tongue during sleep is fairly uncontrollable. You must remember that anything disturbing the airflow is suspect and must be considered.

If you sleep with your mouth open, it's much more likely that your throat tissues are causing this bothersome Zzzzzzzz. Those sleeping on their backs have cases that are generally milder in nature. A change in position and concentration on good posturing will often give this group relief.

If snoring seems to come with mouth open or closed, on your back, stomach and any other imaginable position, well. these are generally more complex cases.

For the larger majority however, a simple lifestyle change to get in better shape or some attention to finding a position for optimal air passage can make a difference in a sleepless night and a night full of rest.

I tailored my Stop Snoring Program for ease of learning and use. Easy daily exercises can lead to peaceful sleeping tonight! - 16004

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