Friday, October 31, 2008

Herbal Treatment for Gynecomastia

By Derek Silverman

There are many men who are suffering from a condition that causes their breasts to become enlarged. The condition is known as gynecomastia and it is growing along with the rise of obesity. One of the big causes in this rise in obesity and male breast enlargement is the popularity of fast food products. The unhealthy foods can result in a growing problem with excess weight and unsightly male breasts. It is important that the problem be resolved for many men. The loss in self-esteem and confidence can devastate the patient's life.

There is an abundance of men who are looking for a treatment for their problem. Many of them are considering a surgical remedy for their gynecomastia. Surgery is not without its risks and complications and it is not necessary for a flat chest.

There are some alternatives to eliminating this problem. One of the treatments that are available is herbal treatment. These treatments will work to minimize the size of your breasts. Gynexin is an effective treatment for enlarged male breasts. This herbal treatment is designed to go after the fatty tissues in the mammary glands. There have been some great results shown with the use of this herbal treatment for gynecomastia.

There is another drug that is used in the treatment of enlarged breasts. Nolvadex is used to reduce the production of estrogen, which can be the cause of the problem. This will help to minimize the size of the breast area. It has also been successfully used to prevent breast cancer in some patients.

There is a very good success rate with herbal treatments for gynecomastia, but that does not mean that you should not visit with your doctor. Your doctor should be informed if you are going to use any medication or treatment to combat your enlarged breast problem. The doctor will be able to tell you if the medication or herbal treatment will interfere with any other medication that you might be taking.

If you haven't tried herbal treatments before, I suggest that you visit forums and discussion boards that are frequented by people who are also suffering from man boobs. These forums can greatly help you as they usually contain product recommendation and product comparison.

An herbal treatment will work best if it is used in combination with a well balanced diet and exercise. The exercise plan should include exercises that will focus on your upper body. Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that will help you to reduce your weight and the excess fat in your breast area. It is also necessary to include some cardiovascular exercise in your plan to eliminate the gynecomastia. When you do exercises that are designed to build the upper body, the muscle tone will help to reduce the appearance of the enlarged breasts. - 16004

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