Friday, November 28, 2008

The Heartbreak of Snoring

By Christian Goodman

So much has been written about snoring. There have been thousands of testimonials and countless reports covering the malady of snoring from almost every viewpoint. Some choose to write about the causes. Others focus on suggested solutions. It's a sure bet that if you can think of an aspect of snoring, you'll be able to find some article that discusses it.

However, it is pretty hard to understand how snoring really feels if you have never been jabbed in the ribs in the middle of the night ...or "lovingly" shoved in back...or publicly embarrassed on a plane, train or carpool commute.

Even short plane flights can create a panic at the thought that you might somehow get a little too comfortable. Comfort can bring drowsiness, and drowsiness tends to lead to a nap. That's the scary part. Just who or how many people got to listen to me in my 'disgraceful' sleep?

Spouses and family members can understand the aggravation of having to watch TV around a habitual snorer. And chances are, they've all had a good laugh at our expense from time to time. Loved ones have endured the noise but we're the ones that must suffer the embarrassment.

There are single situations in which people might embarrass themselves (such as tripping in public). Then there is the situation that is doomed to repeat itself which only a snorer understands.

Having been "caught in the act" makes me blush just writing about it. There are so many places a person can end up potentially own recliner while company is visiting, a dentist office waiting room...or the dentist chair itself!

Should we become complete 'home bodies', never venturing out to a potential site of embarrassment?

Maybe you can find the most uncomfortable position possible to ensure that you stand absolutely no chance of dozing when you're in any public situation. Or perhaps you can just commit yourself to forever avoiding churches, chairs, or warm auditoriums.

I do not and will not accept those alternatives. The Stop Snoring Exercise Program is the natural way to cure the condition.

The Stop Snoring Exercise Program can ease snoring caused by a multitude of reasons. Whether it is caused by nasal issues, stress or just age, it can be helped.

Snoring can be a sound of the past with special exercises that address the problem.

Addressing the issue reaps more than just quiet benefits. Your slumber will be much more restful.

Sleeping better at night can also prevent the urge to dose during the day. Imagine knowing that you may no longer dose off in public places. Or if you do, it's much less likely you'll be caught!

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