Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Still Spinning - Dizziness and Vertigo

By Christian Goodman

If you suffer with vertigo, you probably feel as though you're on a merry-go-round that won't stop.

Sufferers explain that the world around them seems to be swaying or moving - not necessarily the person who is experiencing the problem.

Some assume that it is just a temporary dizzy feeling.

Health reports state that at least 40% of the adult population will suffer from at least one vertigo issue.

With age comes more occurrances of vertigo. In addition, females report more occurrances than males.

An inner ear infection known as labyrinthitis is often associated with vertigo.

Head position changes are controlled by the vestibular system. Labyrinthitis inflames the inner ear which then affects the vestibular system.

The brain just cannot process the conflicting information.

Then the world starts moving, at least that is the perception to the sufferer.

Since people do not always suffer for more than a few days, they may not seek treatment.

The reason vertigo is so often untreated is because typically the symptoms will vanish on their own within a relatively short period of time, sometimes in just a few days.

The problem is, they almost always return.

More often than not, someone suffering from dizziness will find it easy to dismiss the problem by relating it to something common. A recent head cold seems to be a fair culprit for feeling dizzy for example.

Drugs are normally prescribed once the condition is finally recognized.

You may be more familiar with some of the brand names, such as Bonine, Antivert, or Dramamine.

Medication of course addresses the symptoms but not the actual cause. In addition, drugs almost always have additional side effects.

A little known fact with vertigo is that there are more causes than ear problems.

Muscular tension in the ear area can in fact be causing the problem.

As odd as that may sound, if you have tension in the muscles around your eyes, ears, or your body line from the top of your head to your pelvic bone, you may experience vertigo or episodes of dizziness as a result.

I've developed a natural system for relaxing and releasing that muscle tension that has allowed thousands of people to free themselves from vertigo.

Feeling dizzy can be a thing of the past without medication. My program consists of a few easy exercises.

I have been amazed myself by both the results people have experienced and by the number of results. You too should start feeling focused in no time.

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