Friday, November 28, 2008

How to Build Muscle Quick

By Carl Winemen

Whether you are looking to bulk up for the first time, or you are simply looking at putting on some tone, you will find that the question of how fast you can build up muscle is one that will often occur to you. While the truth of the matter is that everyone's body is different and that everyone will put on muscle at their own rate, you can build muscle faster if you only keep a few things in mind. Take some time and really consider your options when you are thinking about building muscle fast and remember that these tips can help you out a great deal.

1.Get plenty of rest When you are trying to build up muscle, you will find that one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you don't short yourself any sleep. Sleep is when your body takes the time to heal and repair itself, and if you are not letting it do that, you will find that your muscle building will grind to a slow but unstoppable halt. Really figure out how much sleep you need and make sure that you are going to get it. Even if it means going to sleep early, you will soon see that it is worth it.

2.Change your routine When you are looking to make sure that you are getting the best build that you can in a short amount of time, remember that varying your workout is key. Your body will get used to a workout faster than you believe is possible, and when you stop pushing yourself, you stop growing. Make sure that you do some cross training and make sure that you are keeping your exercises from getting stale and boring.

3.Keep your rep range low When you are looking to build up muscle, take some time and really think about what you can do to move from machine to machine after only a few repetitions. You will find that the more variety your body can enjoy, even during the course of one workout, the better. Remember that if you are using good form that you do not need more than six to nine repetitions for each body part!

4.Eat lot's of protein Protein is the building block that muscles are created on, so make sure that you eat plenty of it. There are protein shakes to make sure that your system gets everything that it needs, and also remember that you can't go wrong with lean red meat. Find ways to cook it that you really enjoy and make sure that you think about what your options are going to be when you are looking at getting the right kind of result!

5.Drink lot's of water When you are working out, you are losing water, so make sure that you take the time to replenish it. Water makes your body process faster, so take some time and really think about what you need to do in order to get the water that you need. - 16004

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