Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Kind Of Lifestyle Changes Are Really Needed to Lose Weight

By Elizabeth Akers

For most of us the thought of changing our lifestyle to lose weight makes us shudder. If you start making small changes at a time and gradually every week add more changes you will be more successful with your results. Doing it this way can be less frustrating than changing everything all at once. So think baby steps. What is a small lifestyle change that you can make and go from there. Think positive about the things that you can do or have done. Do not allow the words failure, diet, have to or cheating to be a part of your vocabulary. They are negative words and tend to lead to your quitting before you even get started.

Eating judiciously is one of the most important weight loss tips that you need to remember. You need to be more conscious of everything you put inside your mouth. Also, it is important that you drink lots of water to prevent dehydration and weight gain caused by water retention. Next, you need to minimize your consumption of alcohol and soda. If you really have to drink something sweet, stick to fresh fruit shakes. In order to make you feel satiated for a longer time and to help enhance your waste elimination system, you need to eat foods that are plenty of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Furthermore, you should not skip breakfast because this meal helps in normalizing your blood sugar levels. As much as possible, you must stay away from grubs that include processed foods, baked goodies, sugar-filled beverages and pastries, and fatty foods.

Sleeping better at night is also included in the top weight loss tips. Some experts say that an average adult should sleep for about six to eight hours every night. Research shows that individuals who are chronically sleep-deprived are more prone to being obese or overweight. It seems that your body's production of the brain chemicals responsible for curbing your appetite is reduced every time you skip sleep.

Eating judiciously is one of the most important weight loss tips that you need to remember. You need to be more conscious of everything you put inside your mouth. Also, it is important that you drink lots of water to prevent dehydration and weight gain caused by water retention. Next, you need to minimize your consumption of alcohol and soda. If you really have to drink something sweet, stick to fresh fruit shakes. In order to make you feel satiated for a longer time and to help enhance your waste elimination system, you need to eat foods that are plenty of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Furthermore, you should not skip breakfast because this meal helps in normalizing your blood sugar levels. As much as possible, you must stay away from grubs that include processed foods, baked goodies, sugar-filled beverages and pastries, and fatty foods.

Sleeping better at night is also included in the top weight loss tips. Some experts say that an average adult should sleep for about six to eight hours every night. Research shows that individuals who are chronically sleep-deprived are more prone to being obese or overweight. It seems that your body's production of the brain chemicals responsible for curbing your appetite is reduced every time you skip sleep.

For more tips on how to lose weight safely and effectively, you can visit . - 16004

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