Saturday, November 1, 2008

Burning the Baby Fat - Why Diets Don't Work

By Teresa Brown

One would think that with all the technological advancements and the conveniences that came with it, a mother's life today would have more time on her side and be the healthier for it. On the contrary, these days moms have less time and are less healthy. Part of the problem to losing pregnancy weight, is that many moms go for the fad diets because it seems like the quickest route possible to burn the baby fat. Fad diets are like fairytales full of promise and hope for our weight loss dreams to come true, but the reality is that most fairytales don't end up happily ever after, the same is true with dieting.

We are told to eat a balanced diet, which seems simple enough but in today's world we don't have or make the time to do so and to make matters worse, we are getting more and more over weight for lack of trying. If you want to burn the baby fat, the natural thing to do would be to cut back on your caloric intake. All diets do this but the majority of them are missing the "nutritionally balanced" part.

Food Deprivation Diet

Your body needs food to give it energy to keep you the wonderful, busy mom that you are. On average a person can survive without food between 4 to 6 weeks. And depriving your body of its nutrients puts a lot of strain on your body's resources making you irritable and physically weak because it slows down your metabolism to conserve energy.

Starvation diets make your body's metabolism use fewer calories to perform its normal bodily functions and thus preventing you from burning the baby fat as fast as you normally could. This is why moms who diet frequently experience the weight gain quickly after the diet and the weight seems harder to lose the second time around. Simply eating a nutritionally balanced diet that is low in calories and eating smaller meals more frequently is more effective for losing the pregnancy weight and staying healthy than dieting.

Celebrity Diets

Hollywood diets have been around for a while and they seem to be here to stay. Part of their "staying" power is the Starlets that use them to maintain the "fabulous" Hollywood look. Wanting to look like a Celebrity mom can lead to moms dieting like them to burn the baby fat. These diets usually claim to have a special ingredient that will make you lose the pregnancy weight fast but you'll only gain it back as quickly as you lost it.

We all know that a fad diet is something we can't do indefinitely but we do so only to burn the baby fat as fast as possible. Celeb moms who resort to the "Beverly Hills type" diets risk their health for their careers and why should you do the same just to fit into your skinny jeans? You are a mother which is has more value than a career or skinny jeans.

Nature's Food

You have one life to live so why gamble away your health, time, energy, motivation and self-esteem on the false hopes of fad diets? Losing pregnancy weight for the long term requires perseverance and patience. Adapting to a healthier way of living to burn the baby fat is a wise investment that will give you long term dividends for you and your family. - 16004

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