Saturday, November 22, 2008

Diabetes Type 2 can be assisted with exercise

By J B Brown

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects your body's ability to break down the food you eat and turn it into energy. One of the most common symptoms of type 2 diabetes is excessive sweating.

To help decide if you are in a risk group and need to see a doctor other symptoms are diarrhea, blurred vision, excessive thirst, bad breath, confusion, depression, fatigue, weight loss even buzzing ears.

Sweating Cure - Diabetes try a healthy diet

In America every year the average consumption of sugar is 150 pounds and for soft drink it is about 600 cans. This type of consumption is the equivalent of 55 teaspoons of sugar per person per day. Armed with this type of information you suddenly aren't surprised to find out that our country is getting fatter.

One of the main food groups for today's busy life style is Junk Food, this in general has lots of ingredients like msg and aspartame. Although taken in small amounts it may have no effect, taken in numerous quantities over the years the effects will add up.

Diabetes Sweating Cure - Lose Some Weight

Body fat, especially around the waist, increases insulin resistance. By developing a daily work out schedule and sticking to it, will allow you to get amazing results in just a short period of time. When you are working out you are doing the good kind of sweating, not the bad kind that is caused by your type 2 diabetes.

Loosing weight has been made easier by the advent of some of the weight loss businesses like weight watchers, the good thing about this type of help is the structure it provides. These type of businesses assign points to food and drink, and allow you eat and drink a certain amount of points. Please remember If you don't loose the weight fast enough don't despair, the fact that you are controlling your intake, will guarantee a loss of weight.

Diabetes Sweating Cure - Work Out Regularly

Regular exercise is good for 2 reasons , one is that it helps maintain weight and reduce blood sugars and insulin while using these for energy. Its common knowledge that the more you work out the better you feel and the more productive you are during the day. Don't forget to do different exercises so that you can avoid burnout and boredom.

Diabetes Sweating Cure with Prescription Medication

Many times diet and exercise cannot reduce your blood sugar level alone, often this is with people predisposed to diabetes. Even some ethnic groups have a higher chance of getting diabetes than others.

The medications for type 2 are designed to do four different things, delay how quickly sugar is absorbed, increase how much insulin the pancreas makes, decrease insulin resistance and decrease how much sugar the liver produces. By researching your illness combined with regular doctors visits you should be on a successful recovery in no time - 16004

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