Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fact or Fiction - Do Quick Fix Diets Really Work

By Keeley Roberts

Quick Fix Diets or Crash Diets dont work in the long term. Yes you will shed pounds counting calories or as Beyonce did recently only drinking lemonade. But we all know that once we start eating again we will put the pounds back on. If you have dieted over the years you will see this familiar pattern. Part of the key to successful dieting is to understand why these quick fix diets on there own are not the answer.

Quick fix diets and our metabolic rate do not go hand in hand. As human beings we were created with survival in mind and if you suddenly decide to follow "Beyonces lemonade diet" your body will think "ah, starvation imminent lets preserve all the fat stores". Then after, maybe, a week drinking only lemonade etc you go on a major food fest your body will need even less calories to keep going and you will gain more weight than when you started.

Even more disheartening is the kind of weight that you lose on these diets is often water not fat. If you are often bloated it will be water you are losing and this will quickly return once you resume normal eating. . You won't be losing much fat, (the body is only capable of burning 1-2 lbs of actual fat per week.) There is no quick fix. There are many different quick fix diets with various names including "Beyonces Lemonade Diet", "The Cabbage Soup Diet", The Celery Stick Diet", well the list is endless.

Quick fix diets galore, where to start, what to choose. Well if it was me I would maybe pick one of them just for a few days to give you a bit of a boost. Its always nicer to feel a few pounds lighter, quickly.

Then introduce a healthy eating plan with lots of exercise. The exercise will increase your metabolic rate and ensure your body doesnt hold onto any excess pounds after the quick fix diets. - 16004

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