Sunday, November 23, 2008

Helping Mental Disorders with Hypnosis

By Gary Pearson

It is possible to help people with various things like addictions, self-improvement, personal problems, medical conditions and more with the hypnosis. In fact there has been research which proves that mental disorders like anxiety, types of phobia, panic, depression, schizophrenia and psychosis and other psychological problems can get better with hypnosis.

One way in which hypnosis can help mental disorders is through recovering repressed memories. People who have endured traumatic or painful experiences may unintentionally block these memories, which can affect normal behavior and lead to mental illness. Hypnosis can help mental disorders by allowing the patient to recover forgotten memories that may be affecting their current state of mental health, as well as repressed memories that could be linked to their particular mental disorder.

The instances of soldiers in World War 1 and II can be taken as perfect examples since these soldiers used to experience from post-traumatic stress and other problems due to many incidents. Therefore it was seen that doctors used to use hypnosis and relive the memory of the soldiers so that the emotional stress build up inside could be reduced. Thus many soldiers recovered to normal behavior.

It has to be understood by patients that through the accidental suggestions of the doctors there are chances of developing false memories. Thus hypnosis is considered to be a highly questionable and debatable form of therapy.

Another way in which hypnosis can help mental disorders is by alleviating severe symptoms associated with these disorders, such as calming patients who are severely disturbed. Furthermore, the techniques involved in hypnosis are designed to promote an overall sense of calm, deep relaxation and well-being. Patients suffering from mental disorders can become aware of their feelings, change their behaviors, learn new thought patterns and ways of dealing with problems, and become relieved of symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

With the passing of time hypnosis is used more often to treat people with mental problems as more mental health experts understand the value of hypnosis. - 16004

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