Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Know These 7 Tips To Build A Bigger Chest With The Bench Press

By Caleb Lee

The Bench Press is one of the best exercises to build your chest, bar none. And you can lift more poundage per workout than with other isolation exercises-so you'll build strength and size with this exercise.

This article thinks you have a knowledge of the ground rules of how to bench...

However in order to obtain the optimum results, better known as to build a hulking chest you can take a break from your beer can and you need to know these 9 tips...

Tip #1: Plant Your Feet And Puff Out Your Chest

Lie down on the bench and plant your feet like you mean it. Then force your chest out to the max. To achieve this you want to grab the uprights of the bench as you're laying down and perform a pullover of sorts so there is an arch in your lower back.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together as hard as you can. Imagine you're pinching a quarter together with them. And simultaneously push your shoulders down towards your feet.

Tip #2: Hold Your Breath and Brace Yourself For Tension

Take a deep breath and prepare yourself in the same way as you're about to take a punch to the abdomen. This assures that you're keeping your entire body tight and driving your muscles to have maximum tension. In addition, the intraabdominal pressure will supply you extra strength and protect your back. And also, it's ineffective to attempt to breath when there's a loaded barbell on top of your chest.

Tip #3: Pull the Bar Down With Your Lats

Contract your pecs hard in the beginning of the movement and concentrate on dragging the bar down to your sternum with your LATS. This will make sure you're keeping your shoulder blades together and making your pecs perform nearly all of the work.

Great Tip #4: Try To Touch The Bar With Your Chest

Keep expanding your chest and assume you are attempting to cross the bar, meet it halfway with your chest as you're pulling it down with your lats. Prolong pulling down until the bar touches your chest. Break off briefly in this position

Tip Number 5 -- Do NOT Slow Down, Stay Tight and Get Ready

Sustain the tension in your body, stay tight, and prepare yourself to push. What you do is force the bar off your chest, trying to to move it as fast as you can while maintaining full-body tension for supreme strength. Push the bar like you're doing a decline press down towards your feet to protect your shoulders. Imagine you are pushing yourself away from the bar, you'll know you're doing it properly when you sense that your upper back is tight.

Great Tip #6: Make Use Of Extreme Tension Methods At Your Sticking Point

When the rep becomes hard and you're hitting your stumbling block, here's what you do:

1. Grab the bar as hard as you can

2. At one go, Tighten your Abs and glutes and grunt

3. Think you're sending strength from your core, your gut into your arms

And POUND it, keep pushing away from the bar, keeping extreme pressure.

Great Tip #7: Prior To Your Next Rep, Double-check Your Form

Before you continue for your next rep, recheck to ensure:

* Your feet are still planted

* Your shoulder blades are still squeezed together

* Take a breath and then hold it once more to get your intra-abdominal pressure up for a second time...

If you drop a few of these things, re-rack the bar and get yourself into correct position for a second time prior to your next rep. Proper form is more important than doing all your reps all together.

There you go, there are 7 tips to guarantee you build a hulking chest with the Bench Press. Put them into action right away and observe your chest grow! - 16004

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