Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who Is Responsible For Childhood Obesity and Can They Change

By Elizabeth Akers

As parents we tend to put too much emphasis on satisfying a child's wants instead of their needs. We give in to their demands for fast food, cookies, sodas and candy. It is easier than saying no it is not good for you. It is not always convenient to get real fruit and fresh water when out shopping or at the sports activities. Over time without realizing it, buying and eating the junk food gets to be a habit that is hard to break. It is the norm. This done in excess has and will cause obesity in children.

As parents we tend to put too much emphasis on satisfying a child's wants instead of their needs. We give in to their demands for fast food, cookies, sodas and candy. It is easier than saying no it is not good for you. It is not always convenient to get real fruit and fresh water when out shopping or at the sports activities. Over time without realizing it, buying and eating the junk food gets to be a habit that is hard to break. It is the norm. This done in excess has and will cause oesity in children.

As parents we tend to put too much emphasis on satisfying a child's wants instead of their needs. We give in to their demands for fast food, cookies, sodas and candy. It is easier than saying no it is not good for you. It is not always convenient to get real fruit and fresh water when out shopping or at the sports activities. Over time without realizing it, buying and eating the junk food gets to be a habit that is hard to break. It is the norm. This done in excess has and will cause oesity in children.

Childhood obesity epidemic is a reality in the United States and many other parts of the globe. As a matter of fact, more than twenty percent of American children are considered to be obese and this figure is steadily on the rise. Obesity is basically defined as a condition where the body accumulates excessive amounts of fat. To know if your child is indeed obese, you can consult with your doctor or a dietician.

The good news is that childhood obesity epidemic is not something that's irreversible. Today, there are many treatment programs that specifically address the needs of obese children. Government and private health organizations are also helping in minimizing, if not eliminating obesity risk factors. However, treatment of obesity may take a long time. Experts believe that a child will require an average of at least eighteen months of treatment for every twenty percent excess body fat. In other words, getting back to one's ideal weight will be a hard and slow process. Nevertheless, there is hope. If you do not want your child to become a part of the obesity statistics, you can deal with excess weight as early as now. For more information please visit: - 16004

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