Saturday, November 1, 2008

Will Kinetin Help With Anti-Aging?

By Julie Samtsonn

Take a bit of a look around at the various anti aging creams and anti wrinkle creams, there are so many different active ingredients that are used. There are Retinol-based, Hydroxy acid based, Antioxidants, Copper peptides, Coenzyme Q10, or Kinetin. Anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle creams moisturize new cell growth while doing other things like getting rid of the upper layer of dry skin cells. Take something like Kinetin for example, it can either be found packaged with an exfoliate or by itself. If it is by itself the idea is that the dead skin cells will come off on their own and new moisturized cells will be revealed.

Kinetin is classified as a "super moisturizer" and is found natural in plants, as a plant growth hormone. It is the growth hormone in plants, that replenishes a broken or pruned branch with twice the growth it had before, therefore, it is like a healing compound. Many people will use Kinetin, in place of Retinol based treatments, because of side effects caused in some individuals by Retinol.

Kinetin is often found in the form of coconut milk or aloe, or other plant products. While Kinetin is thought to be a moisture retention agent located in anti-aging creams and anti wrinkle creams, it's benefits still remain unproven. Skin treatments that promote hydrating results will always have an effect on dry skin cell making skin appear dry, or aged and lacking glow. Kinetin products will often claim it is best used by people located in tropical type climate. Here, excessive moisturizing is needed, so much so that it may be too much for person not needing that excess moisture.

There have been many advances in anti-aging creams as well as anti-wrinkle creams and not a lot of products on the market are able to boast the natural plant growth ingredient of Kinetin. Many of the creams that had used Kinetin in the past are no longer being sold in stores and, if they are, it's usually to exhaust the product in inventory before it is discontinued.

There are so many choices in the skin care treatments, with some having staggering prices, but not necessarily more effective than cheaper items, that it is best to do research on what options work best for you. In the anti-aging creams, many of them are based on keeping the skin hydrated, and retaining moisture, and this is where Kinetin would certainly fit the bill. It may be that it is too expensive to manufacture as a moisturizer, so claims by some cosmetics companies may not justify the benefit/cost expectations of customers, and it is being phased out as a major factor as newer choices become available.

Kinetin is still a good treatment choice that is used in UV over exposure treatments, it is also a good choice for anybody needing a natural chemical treatment instead of stronger chemicals. Because it is being phased out of anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle creams could indicate that it is not as effective as competing products. However, some people who have more sensitive skin, see it as the option they need. - 16004

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