Saturday, February 28, 2009

Diet Trends

By Jeff Cline

A one time or another most American's have dieted. Shedding the pounds has always been around. From fad diets to surgery most have tried something. the question remains, what is the best way to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Most fad diets cut something out, usually good wholesome nutrition and that is never the answer. I am sure you have tried them. Yes, they can make you drop 20 pounds in 30 days, but man when you stop it comes back with a mad vengeance.

How about the "only eat this diets and you will lose". Well of course you will lose, any time you deprive yourself from food you will lose. But you lose more then weight most of the time, like nutrition. Nutrients that keep you healthy and energized.

How about diet pills? There is usually a whole section in the supermarket dedicated to these diet wonders. Just because they are sold in stores does not make them safe. Read the warnings on some of the boogers, it will scare the heck out of you.

What I am about to tell you is no secret and I bet it is not what you want to hear, but it is the honest truth. The very best way to achieve weight loss and keep it off is through a healthy diet and exercise. I know it sounds hard, but it really is not.

Healthy diet does not mean you cut your calories to nothingness. That can be just as unhealthy as the pills we spoke about earlier. Without enough calories all sorts of weird things can happen to your body. Lack of nutrition can cause many problems physical and mental.

Proper nutrition is important so don't reduce calories so much that you are passing out or a raging mad human being. Proper nutrition is important to our health and our physical appearance. How would you like to lose your hair and age 5 years, then stop eating.

Here is the scoop. Eat at least 5 healthy meals per day. Five small meals is even better. Drink your 8 glasses of water per day, seriously don't skip this. Get some exercise, you don't have to go crazy with it, 3 times a week of moderate exercise is sufficient. - 16004

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