Friday, February 27, 2009

Why Is Cynergy TK A Huge Breakthrough In Skin Care?

By Peter Albertonach

Ever heard of keratin? If you're interested in serious skin care you should know about keratin, and what a new form of keratin called Cynergy TK can do for your skin. Cynergy TK is the modern way of adding keratin to anti aging and skin care products so that it actually does something useful for your skin.

But isn't there keratin in my regular skincare products I hear you say? Keratin is in lots of anti aging products, so what does Cynergy TK do that they don't?

Yes it's quite true that there is keratin in many big brand name skin care products. But there is a big difference between using products that just have keratin added to them and using products containing Cynergy TK.

Keratin is an extremely strong protein found right throughout the body, but in particular in your skin, as well as your nails, hair and some other parts of your body. It helps make your skin more elastic and pliable, and to combat wrinkles and sagging in your skin.

And sadly as you age your skin starts to lose some of it's store of keratin, and so the wrinkles and skin sagging starts and you start to see those lines around your mouth and eyes. Loss of keratin isn't the only factor in skin aging, but it is a big one.

Traditional big brand name anti aging skin care products have keratin in them, so they have to be good right? Wrong.

As keratin is found in parts of your body like hair and skin and nails, and as it is also found in the hooves and horns of animals, the big brand companies source their keratin from the hooves and horns of animals. The keratin is extracted by using heat and acid, and this changes the form of the keratin. It has, in effect, been de-naturalized by a process called "hydrolyzation", and as the form of the keratin is changed it's usefulness to the skin is also changed.

Cynergy TK is a source of keratin, but the company that makes Cynergy TK uses an entirely different method of extracting keratin from animals, and they don't even need to kill the animal. They take the keratin from the wool of sheep. It's such an advanced way of getting keratin they've patented ti, and keratin sourced this way is fully biologically available to your skin.

It's called "functional keratin" and the effects of using products containing Cynergy TK on the skin are stunning. This keratin is extremely similar to the keratin found in our skin, and it works very well.

It's almost a "liquid skin" and is so effective that it stimulates the skin into regrowing more of it's own keratin, as well as collagen, another essential skin protein that is lost with skin aging.

And Cynergy TK also contains a number of other essential ingredients that are very important to health skin. Among these are zinc and copper, which both help increase skin thickness and thus reduce wrinkles and sagging. And of course regrowing keratin and collagen reduce skin wrinkles dramatically.

So if you haven't heard about keratin before, you have now. It's extremely important to skin health, and skin regeneration. Traditionally extracted keratin isn't available to your skin due to it's extraction with heat and acid, but functional keratin found in Cynergy TK is, because of the revolutionary patented process of extracting it.

But will you find Cynergy TK in the mainstream skin care products that you probably use now? No you won't because it's really expensive.

Which company uses Cynergy TK in their skin care products? I'll bet you've never even heard of them, but they make the worlds best skin care products. And believe it or not the products are competitively priced because they don't spend megabucks on TV advertising.

So if you want to find out more about anti-aging products containing Cynergy TK take a look at my website. - 16004

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