Saturday, February 28, 2009

Will Hoodia Gordonii Be a Great Appetite Suppressant for YOU?

By Caitlin Ryan

Do you know how to lose weight and have a slender, beach ready body? Are you able to avoid temptation long enough to stick with a healthy eating plan? What if you knew about a completely natural supplement that would help you control your appetite without the side effects?

One such choice is hoodia gordonii. It is very popular and it might be the right choice for you. Once you figure out your choices and understand the different effects of appetite suppressants, you will be able to determine whether hoodia will be great for you. Should you choose a strong suppressant, save money or spend a bit more?

There are reasons why some appetite suppressants work in different ways and understanding this is important for making the best choice for you. Achieving the body of your dreams is important, so this decision is important as well.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, you should steer clear of stimulant type diet pills that contain caffeine, ginseng or any number of natural sounding stimulants. You may end of feeling jittery or anxious. Cardiac patients should definitely stay away from these types of suppressants.

Fortunately, hoodia gordonii is okay for most people. It has no known side effects, but diabetics should avoid hoodia. This is merely because the active ingredient in hoodia behaves like glucose in the body and therefore limits hunger. When our blood glucose drops, the brain sends out those familiar hunger pangs. Hoodia mimics glucose, so the brain thinks you have had enough to eat. You will eat less and feel satisfied sooner!

As long as you do not have diabetes, hoodia can be an excellent choice because there are no stimulant side effects, yet it is still effective in controlling your appetite.

Another consideration is cost. Hoodia gordonii products have a wide range in price. Really expensive hoodia products are probably overpriced. However, cheap hoodia is not your best bet either.

Because hoodia became so popular, the South African government had to place restrictions on the sale of this cactus. In order to purchase pure hoodia gordonii, companies need to be CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) certified. Now the supply is lower and the demand is just as great. For this reason, black markets popped up and some weight loss companies purchase illegal, fake hoodia.

This of course would be a huge waste of money, cheap or not. As well, companies may use hoodia in their product a bit too sparingly to increase their profit margin. Unfortunately, if the product contains too little of this expensive cactus, it will not be effective and your gorgeous body may remain a dream!

If you want fast appetite control to obtain your dream body, you may not find this option with diet pills. Hoodia gordonii can be found in liquid and pill format. Liquid supplements are more effective because they work more quickly in your body. - 16004

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