Friday, February 27, 2009

Here's 7 Weight Loss Gifts Just For You

By Joshua Seth

By Joshua Seth

Of course, you thought it was likely to happen. This week, millions of people will give up on their New Years weight loss resolutions and resolve to lose weight next year instead.

To help with overcoming this growing problem, Joshua Seth, author of the new book The Weight Loss Hypnosis Solution is giving away seven weight loss gifts so that this year those new years resolutions will finally succeed.

People make big resolutions to lose weight every New Year, said Joshua Seth. Unfortunately, without changing the way they think about food and eating these resolutions are forgotten almost as quickly as they are made.

When resolutions involve losing weight and adopting healthier lifestyle choices there are proven ways to make weight loss resolutions stick, without diets or even willpower.

Right now, author Joshua Seth is giving away 7 weight loss gifts including a food journal, a confidence boosting MP3, and the first 40 pages of his new book The Weight Loss Hypnosis Solution at - 16004

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