Friday, February 27, 2009

Secrets to Preventing Hair Loss

By Irina Thorton

Being bald is not something people welcome. Unfortunately, the hair loss condition is very much a reality for most people today. The good thing about it, though, is that anyone can do something in preventing hair loss.

Knowing Your Hair Loss

It is important to note that not all hair loss cases have the same causes. The most common type of hair loss is actually caused by genes and hormones. This is not the only type of hair loss though. These days, you can also lose your worries over stress, nutrient deficiency and tight hairstyles. The first step to preventing hair loss is to know exactly why your hair is falling. Once you know the cause, you can find the right treatment.

Diet and Exercise

Eating right and exercising regularly may not completely prevent hair loss of the genetic type. They can however, help in preventing hair loss due to nutrient deficiency. It is a known fact that the kinds of popular food available these days are loaded with fats and carry few nutrients. It is also a fact that having less of some nutrients like iron, magnesium, zinc and B complex vitamins can cause hair fall. The best solution to this is to eat a nutritious diet. Exercising regularly will also improve your blood circulation which is crucial for the efficient distribution of nutrients to your hair.


Telogen effluvium is a type of hair loss in which a person suddenly suffers from temporary but profuse hair shedding. It is believed that one possible cause of this is stress. Preventing hair loss of this type may mean that you have to learn how to relax. Of course, what is relaxing for some may not be so for others. Generally though, basic relaxation techniques are also methods for preventing hair loss. You can learn basic breathing techniques or progressive muscle relaxation. Others may want to move on to higher meditation or yoga. Sometimes, a simple break from work or listening to soothing music may already be relaxing enough.

Letting Your Hair Rest

You might also lose some of your hair if you are too fond of tight hair styles like braids, pony tails and corn rolls. These hair styles can literally pull your hair strands out and may even cause scarring. Preventing hair loss of this kind is easy. You simply have to alternate your hair styles or avoid tight styles altogether.

Moderate styling and coloring may or may not cause hair loss. It is still better though not to overdo hair treatments. Using too many chemicals on your hair could cause dryness and damage. Preventing hair loss and damage simply means letting your hair rest.


Another way of preventing hair loss is to take supplements. Good products can help provide you with whatever nutrient your body is missing. Some supplements also contain natural DHT blockers for individuals who have hair loss due to the action of DHT.

Hair loss prevention may not be as difficult as you think. You simply have to learn to be gentle to your hair and yourself. A clean, natural, stress free lifestyle is the right way to decrease hair loss. - 16004

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