Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't ignore your anxiety attacks

By Kathy Nelson

Love is meant to be a happy emotion, yet it can also be one of the prime drivers behind a persons anxiety attack. You may see your ex love at a social event and it would be perfectly normal to have some level of anxiety in that situation but when that anxiety builds up and up until it makes you worry over every detail of your evening then it is time to realize that it has become a problem.

Anxiety attacks always have a trigger event, the problem is that the trigger event may not be an obvious one. If a tiger comes up to you, then it is easy to work out what the trigger event was for your panic attack. Some people's triggers are not so obvious, they can be far more subtle and may even require a series of events to happen.

Your body is programmed to protect you, and for all of our years of education, rules and regulations when faced with situations that our mind considers to be dangerous it will try and force us to either stand and fight or run. This is called fight or flight and has managed to keep the human race alive for millions of years. The problem is that the high levels of chemicals released at this time can cause you to have an anxiety attack if you are unprepared for it.

Our body is a very complex mixture of muscle, fat and lots of other stuff that includes various chemicals. Some of the chemicals are designed to give us boosts of energy and make us more alert at times of fear or even stress. Some people don't handle these situations as well as others, so they experience a anxiety attack.

If you know what sets of your panic and anxiety then you can steps to either eliminate that item or situation from your life. If you are unsure of what causes your anxiety and panic attacks then you will need to go through a process of elimination. This may require the assistance of a trained medical professional. - 16004

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