Thursday, February 5, 2009

Free Fast Weight Loss Diets - A Simple Set Of Rules

By Dwain Shramek

Diet and exercise combined are an alpha male of the health world, together they represent the quickest way to lose weight. That means taking in fewer calories than you burn. There's no need to starve, and in fact periods of starvation such as skipping a meal could lead to more weight gain when the body enters 'starvation' mode, not to mention starving yourself could cause tremendous damage to your body. Patience is a virtue when trying to lose weight, as with many endeavors. In the long run a smart every day diet combined with vigorous exercise is the quickest way to lose weight. And the best part is you won't regain the weight.

Diet doesn't mean a diet, a short term alteration of regular eating habits. Diet means the everyday, day after day, for all the days of your life way that you eat. A good diet includes foods from every one of the food groups, taken in moderation and the right amounts. And with a well balanced diet it's easy to adjust calories down when you need to lose a few pounds temporarily.

If it sounds like a daunting task consider that you likely already eat the foods necessary, just in too large quantities. Cut down quantities, replace starches with whole grains, and you can still even eat cake while losing weight .

A good diet plan includes preparing for special occasions as well as for meals at home. Eating at restaurants and friends' homes doesn't mean breaking good eating habits.

It only takes a few questions to find out what's on the menu and plan the days other meals accordingly to not ruin your diet. Part of the plan is understanding that sometimes the plan will fail. Don't let a failure discourage you. One cheated meal doesn't mean the whole diet, remember it's an every day forever diet not just a few days diet, has failed.

As for exercise perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise seven days a week. That's the goal, don't worry if you miss a day here or there. Add extra exercise such as parking further from the store or office for a little walk, or using stairs instead of the elevator.

Combine the healthy every day diet with physical activity for the quickest way to lose weight. - 16004

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