Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Rid of Stretch Marks: Tried and Tested Methods

By Sapphire Rylee

Getting stretch marks is like getting hit by lightning; no one is really safe from it. Young, old, fat, thin, woman, or man, stretch marks are common skin woes that many people get embarrassed about in a world where beauty equates to perfection. Fortunately no one is perfect, however, many still strive to be so for individual reasons.

When the skin is excessively pulled, stretch marks occur. The overstretching disrupted the collagen and elastic fibers comprising the bulk of the skin. Improper healing of the disrupted skin results in stretch mark formations.

Aggressive Treatments

Laser therapy and chemical peeling are among the two most successful ways to get rid of stretch marks. Laser therapy works by intentionally wounding the affected skin then allowing a certain period of time enough for the body to naturally produce new and healthy collagen and elastic fibers similar to that of normal skin. The laser not only stimulates collagen and elastin formation but also seals off blood capillaries that had burst.

The other way is through chemical peeling which makes use corrosive solutions (usually acids) in sloughing off the scarred topmost epidermal tier of the stretch mark resulting to younger skin cells to surface up. Skin removal is also an option for those who have excessive loose skin left over after tremendous weight loss. Light therapy is the latest technology involving light and gel to remove the stretch marks.

Milder Treatments

Topical medications in the form of lotions, creams, and ointments are available in your local pharmacies and beauty bars. Ingredients such as retinoids (i.e. retinaldehyde, tretinoin, and isotretinoin) alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), antioxidants (e.g. vitamins A, C, and E), lipids (wheatgerm oil, jojoba), and exfoliating products such as mineral crystals are also effective in fading stretch marks after appropriate and consistent use. The massaging application of such medications hastens skin healing by promoting blood to flow to the affected area.

Treatments From The Inside Out

Improve your eating habits. Try to meet your daily nutrient requirements in particular protein, vitamins, and certain minerals such as zinc, all of which are vital for good skin. Collagen and elastic fibers are made of proteins, thus, eating proteins ensures that the body has a lot of material to work on for proper skin reconstruction.

Hydration is important. Drink lots of water to maintain a well-hydrated complexion. Allow yourself a few minutes under the sun to promote vitamin D production in your skin.

Who Needs Treatment?

One does not have to remove the stretch marks per se for them not to be seen. Camouflage the eyesores with the use of concealers, foundations and other forms of body make-up. Remember to select the two shades your natural skin tone lies between to guarantee that the most suitable combination that matches your actual color.

In some cases, stretch marks fade on their own over time. To facilitate the elimination of stretch marks, it would help if you figure out the cause of the stretch marks such as try to lose weight or exercise to toned up skin or avoid excessive use of corticosteroid creams. - 16004

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