Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Face Surgery

By Kitty R. Kat

Spring of 2000 I went on a cruise with my daughter. When I developed the pictures, I noticed my upper eye lids were very droopy. So I set up a consultation with a plastic surgeon and made arrangements to have surgery.

On the day of our consult he suggested that I get a brow lift (had lines across my forehead, something I inherited from my father), lower eye and a bump on my nose he wanted to shave down. Lucky me. I agreed to all that, so pictures were taken and a down payment was made.

The day I went to the hospital the nurse asked me if I would like to stay for the night. Due to the multiple surgeries she thought it was a good idea and I agreed, so I paid the extra 600.00. I was so glad I did because the surgery took longer than I expected. The night was hazy except I remember my family visiting. My sister-in-law was in shock when she saw me and said I scarred my nephew for life. I think I scarred her for life, he was just 3 months old.

I must of looked pretty bad. My eyes were swollen shut and my nose and forehead were bandaged. The nurse had to help me around 4am to go to the bathroom, because they put an ointment on my eyelids and it blurred my vision. There was no way I could of taken care of myself if I had gone home.

The next day I did go home and went straight to bed. My daughter had to feed me for two days and bring me ice every hour. With the antibiotic ointment they gave me along with ice my bruising was minimal. By the 5th day I was much better and I wanted to shower reallllly bad. But I couldn't until my stitches came out and that was on the 10th day. Good thing I learned how to take a sponge bath with my breast reduction. (see my breast reduction post).

Back to the PS or plastic surgeon I didn't realize I had to have my stitches pulled out by the corner of my eyes. Not as bad as the ones taken out of my chest, but still not a very pleasant feeling. I still have scars at the corner of my eyes.

The BIG thing they did not tell me prior to my surgery was that I would have a surgical scar from ear to ear and that they pulled my face away and my scalp (don't know why). To this day, a little over 8 years, I still am numb on the top of my head. Guess you could literally call me a numbskull. Also with this scar are the remnants of the knots from the stitches that I think I will have for life. These knots can hurt from time to time and I've lost some hair around the scar site.

Would I do it again? Right after surgery, I said I would never do it again. NO how NO way. Over time you forget the pain. My eyelids are starting to droop again, so if you wanted to know if it lasts forever. Nope. My lower eyes, brow and nose are still in good shape. Well my nose is a little crooked, but the PS thought it was fine. Ok, its fine till I smile! No wrinkles, except for where I had some Restylane (but again that's another story). - 16004

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