Colloidal silver solution aka 'the silver bullet that kills viruses' has been revolutionizing how we deal with harmful bacteria and viruses. Silver has been known to benefit mankind in various forms for centuries. It is known that some cultures even today add powdered silver to their newborn's first bath. This silver solution is used to protect the baby against a harsh world. Early North American pioneers at one time even immersed silver dollars in their drinking water and other liquids, helping to keep liquids fresh longer. NASA, in the Space Shuttle program, opted for a water filtration system with silver as one of the components.* Today, technology allows silver to be available in very small, suspended particles called colloidal silver solution.
Silver is one of the many micro-minerals which is considered by many dietary experts to be a contributing factor in maintaining optimum levels of health. In today's mainstream diet, foods lack optimum levels of important trace minerals such as silver. When silver levels are too low human health is at risk of diseases and viruses which would normally not survive under optimum dietary conditions. In 1966, according to a researcher named I.H. Tipton the average daily diet contained approximately 50-100 mcg of silver. Today levels of many micro minerals such as silver is much lower if present at all due to commercialized farming methods.
In today's technology a new colloidal silver solution which has been recently patented is still being researched in Universities. The New Silver Solution as it is known is made up of very tiny micro-particles of pure elemental silver suspended in a pure water solution.The New Silver Solution can now be purchased online in bottles with concentrations of 14 parts of silver for every million parts of water (typically stated as 14 ppm) up to concentrations of 22 ppm.
The New Silver Solution: Does it Destroy the Friendly Intestinal Bacteria?
Whether or not 'The New Silver Solution' is harmful to helpful bacteria is an important question, because it is common that antibiotics do wipe out friendly bacteria that inhabit our large intestines. These bacteria not only produce B vitamins and folic acid for us, but they compete with pathogenic bacteria and yeasts and prevent them from multiplying and causing infection. Antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics, kill a wide range of these friendly bacteria. This leaves us vulnerable to "super" infections. In addition, antibiotics may suppress our immune systems. The New Silver Solution does not present such a problem. Independent studies both at Brigham Young University and Viridi Biopharma have effectively shown this.
With tens of thousands of people currently using the New Silver Solution for so long nobody has ever reported having even one single negative gastrointestinal side effect. Testing in vitro has indicated that the silver solution does not kill these benevolent, probiotic, bacteria.
Patented: The NEW Silver Solution is so new and effective that it was deemed a new product, and therefore approved for patent by the United States Patent Agency. The New Silver Solution has the only two patent approvals on a colloidal silver product in the last 80 years. The patent has also been filed internationally, as well as specifically in Japan.
'The New Silver Solution' should be considered a mandatory addition to your medicine and health cupboard. You're worries about colds, flus and other virus can now be made history when you maintain your health with optimum micro-minerals that fight such diseases. 'The New Silver Solution' can also be used externally on cuts, burns, eyedrops, mouth wash, eardrops and nose drops. - 16004
Silver is one of the many micro-minerals which is considered by many dietary experts to be a contributing factor in maintaining optimum levels of health. In today's mainstream diet, foods lack optimum levels of important trace minerals such as silver. When silver levels are too low human health is at risk of diseases and viruses which would normally not survive under optimum dietary conditions. In 1966, according to a researcher named I.H. Tipton the average daily diet contained approximately 50-100 mcg of silver. Today levels of many micro minerals such as silver is much lower if present at all due to commercialized farming methods.
In today's technology a new colloidal silver solution which has been recently patented is still being researched in Universities. The New Silver Solution as it is known is made up of very tiny micro-particles of pure elemental silver suspended in a pure water solution.The New Silver Solution can now be purchased online in bottles with concentrations of 14 parts of silver for every million parts of water (typically stated as 14 ppm) up to concentrations of 22 ppm.
The New Silver Solution: Does it Destroy the Friendly Intestinal Bacteria?
Whether or not 'The New Silver Solution' is harmful to helpful bacteria is an important question, because it is common that antibiotics do wipe out friendly bacteria that inhabit our large intestines. These bacteria not only produce B vitamins and folic acid for us, but they compete with pathogenic bacteria and yeasts and prevent them from multiplying and causing infection. Antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics, kill a wide range of these friendly bacteria. This leaves us vulnerable to "super" infections. In addition, antibiotics may suppress our immune systems. The New Silver Solution does not present such a problem. Independent studies both at Brigham Young University and Viridi Biopharma have effectively shown this.
With tens of thousands of people currently using the New Silver Solution for so long nobody has ever reported having even one single negative gastrointestinal side effect. Testing in vitro has indicated that the silver solution does not kill these benevolent, probiotic, bacteria.
Patented: The NEW Silver Solution is so new and effective that it was deemed a new product, and therefore approved for patent by the United States Patent Agency. The New Silver Solution has the only two patent approvals on a colloidal silver product in the last 80 years. The patent has also been filed internationally, as well as specifically in Japan.
'The New Silver Solution' should be considered a mandatory addition to your medicine and health cupboard. You're worries about colds, flus and other virus can now be made history when you maintain your health with optimum micro-minerals that fight such diseases. 'The New Silver Solution' can also be used externally on cuts, burns, eyedrops, mouth wash, eardrops and nose drops. - 16004
About the Author:
The New Silver Solution has also been used effectively as an alternative cancer treatment. Every house should have this product. At least one bottle to start with should be available.