Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thinking about individual health insurance?

By Jeff Cline

Many employers have stopped offering health insurance, due to the rising cost. Now many are left to find health insurance options on their own. Many of the major carriers realized this and now offer health insurance plans for individuals and families.

In this financial savvy world of today carriers have really stepped up to design plans to meet the needs of individuals. The have researched the demands of these savvy consumers and produced plans to match the need and expectations.

Once upon a time we would work for an employer until we could not work any longer. Not so much anymore. We marketable objects that can easily move from one opportunity to another. Individual health insurance can move around with you, unlike group.

The majority of consumers like the PPO plans. These plans give freedom to choose your physician. You decide when you see a specialist, not your primary doctor. If you go to physicians in the network you save money with negotiated rates.

You should start by narrowing down your choices. There are many. Hop on the internet and start surfing. you can find rates and compare plan offerings. The internet is a very beneficial tool when shopping for individual health insurance.

A good way to narrow your search is to make a list of deal breakers. For example, you will not agree to find a new doctor. Or you can not pay more then a certain amount. Then eliminate all the plans that do not meet those criteria.

If you are use to paying a set amount when you go to the doctor you can find those plans that have a co pay benefit. If you want added benefits such as dental, maternity or life insurance you can explore the different carriers to see what plans and riders they may offer. If you want the works check out all the premium plans.

If you are a busy busy bee and have no time for research then give a broker a call. Typically they get paid by the insuranc companies not you so what do you have to lose. They have helped people of all situations find suitable insurance so the research is done. - 16004

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