Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Want To Loose Weight? Check Out This...

By Dan Ezeife

Around 60% of the estimated populations are over weight. Still they never bother or make a serious attempt to reduce it. There may be different reasons for their ignorance. May be they are not aware of their problem unless one makes them feel or they are don't want to disturb their daily chores for exercises and diets. Even if some are interested an wants to reduce their weight they would prefer for alternatives wherein they can quickly reduce their weight without consuming time or energy. Reduction if weight is an ongoing and continuous process which has not other alternative.

Overweight looks normal but it is not. It may have certain effects like body pains, heart problems, retain body's fluids, thyroid problems, imbalance nutrients etc?A famous phrase says "health is wealth". Maintained body weight is always a sign of good health and fit body. They are three effective methods of loosing weight diet, workouts and medication. Don't bother to reduce your weight with a day or two. Weight reduction is a continuous and long term activity. People who loose weight within days face severe problems than those who never bother about their increasing weight.

Good and planned diet is always required when someone wants to reduce his or her weight. Consult your dietician before planning to go on diet. Avoid foods which are fatty in nature. Eat fruits like apple, grapes, oranges and pineapples. The foods you intake should carry a balanced level of carbohydrate, minerals, proteins and fat. Prefer salads and boiled stuff like eggs. Mixed vegetables, milk, chicken breast, pinto beans and spinach are some of the examples of food containing balanced nutrition. Take your family support to create one health or diet chart for you.

Workouts or meditation are always helpful. To be more precise weight cannot be lost unless the excess fat is driven out through sweat. Running, jogging, muscle building, medication and abdominal exercises are very much essential. Muscle burns more calories than fat which keeps body fit, healthy and toned. Resistance bands, Pilates, or push-ups to get strong are some other equipment to manage or reduce weight. A good, well-balanced fitness routine includes aerobic workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

Third and the easiest way to reduce your weight is medication or consuming pills which either reduces or increase your weight. Dieticians never prescribe this but under extreme conditions. They may be dangerous for other parts of your body. It is beneficial if one follows the natural way of reducing his weight which is more efficient. - 16004

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