Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why More People Choose New York City For Facelift Surgery

By Andrew W John

Your skin care regime should include your face as it is like a calling card and the first thing people see when they first meet you. Although using face creams helps to keep the skin soft and supple, facial exercise movements can have a huge impact on the cells because of the extra oxygen that is put back into the skin with the benefit of removing toxins through the pores at the same time.

The most common cosmetic surgery procedures are face lifts; liposuction, breast enhancement, "nose jobs" and "tummy tucks" are also very popular but this is by no means the extent of what a cosmetic surgeon can do for you.

Rhytidectomy, the correct term for a face lift, offers the removal of wrinkles and the signs of aging from the face. People who have facelifts often show indications of improved health but studies are now showing a correlation between the facelift and improved life expectancy of the patient. The basis of a facelift is quite simple; the skin is pulled tight over the face making the skin look smooth and youthful again.

Micro pigmentation for example, can increase definition of the eyes, lips and eyebrows and this definition lights up the face so you appear more alert and attractive. The amount of work that can be carried out to improve the face is almost endless and includes, hair restoration, cheek and chin re-shaping, lip surgery and laser hair removal to name but a few.

The way the jaw and nose look can often be improved by adjustments to the chin as each facial feature complements others. Changing the shape of the eyebrow and lid to alter the shape of the eye are procedures that are becoming increasingly popular as our desire to look perfect continues. Self confidence improves when a person knows they look good as recent studies have confirmed.

Facial Implants and collagen injections help to improve and change the basic shape of the face to build up a receding chin, or add prominence to cheekbones. Collagen injection treatments are not permanent but can help with the shape of lips, fill out facial creases and sunken areas. Unfortunately, if you decide on this type of treatment expect to have some swelling, bruising and perhaps numbness around the treated area. As an alternative, instead of pulling skin tighter in an effort to reduce wrinkles, as in a face lift, the facial filler cosmetic surgery method is a form of Hyaluronic Acid injected to fill out parts of the face to reduce signs of aging.

All facial treatments can to varying degrees reduce the effects of aging.

Remember that whatever the effect of cosmetic surgery may be on your appearance, you are still the same person inside. - 16004

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