Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fitness Ball and Incorporation Into a Pilates Routine

By Julia Channel

Searching for fast results? Combining a fitness ball with your Pilates workout will help you reach that goal while you are having a good time.

Balancing on the fitness ball helps you work your stabilising muscles, creating a very high quality workout.

The fitness ball, first named "Pezzi Ball," was later referred to as the "Swiss ball." The diameter of the ball is around 35 to 85 cm. It is made of an elastic that can handle the pressure of your body, known as PVC.

Swiss balls, first designed to be used with babies, later became a physiotherapy tool, and then quickly became popular in the fitness industry. Although they've never originally been part of the Pilates fitness concept, the Pilates fraternity eagerly adopted these fitness balls when people realized their actual potential.

You can get that trim tight body you have been yearning for by doing Pilates, and using the fitness ball will increase the intensity of these exercises because you need to use your core muscles to balance yourself. When you add a fitness ball to the equation, you are giving your workout a big boost. The ball causes you to constantly use deep muscles to maintain your balance. This gives you a Pilates workout that packs twice the punch.

How is this accomplished by the fitness ball? A fitness ball strengthens the small muscles around your spine. They are known as micro stabilisers. This toning strengthens the musculature and helps prevent back injury and pain. Strengthening your back muscles lets you work out longer and achieve better results!

The fitness ball conditions both your abdominal and your back muscles.

A fitness ball adds a lot to your workout. It makes it fun and interesting because you have twice the flexibility and opportunity for stretching and exercise than if you just did a regular workout. Using a fitness ball instead of a chair as your base puts an end to boring, repetitive exercise. You do not have to deal with hard floors any longer.

Would you like more? You can add weights to the mix: just take care that you choose a much lower weight than for a usual routine, because the combination of stabilising and weights intensifies the workout. You will feel your overall strength increasing rapidly. With this method, you will feel your confidence explode as the weight you can lift grows.

It is vital that when you are using a fitness ball in Pilates that you keep good form. The ball makes a normal workout that much more intense, so keep this in mind. Allow yourself the freedom to complete a lower level of reps, maintaining perfect form. The stabilizer muscles will gain strength and in next to no time you will find that you are well past your original fitness levels!

For more information on the benefits of using a fitness ball in your workout program, be sure to visit the website. - 16004

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