Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How many Headaches a Week is Normal?

By Robert Walcher D.C.

Common Headaches

One of the most common maladies in our culture today is a headache. Yes, even more common than the common cold. And the most common over-the-counter (OTC), non-prescription drug sold nationwide is - you guessed it - headache remedies.

One estimate contends that some 50 million people in the U.S. get severe, long-lasting, recurring headaches. While most headaches are not signs of serious underlying conditions, they are extremely distracting and account for a significant loss of work time.

One of the largest contributors to headaches are the pills we use to cure them. By constantly taking OTC medications we are reducing their ability to work and causing a condition known as rebound headaches. Rebound headaches occur from the very analgesics we use to stop them in the first place. Another term used for rebound headaches is drug induced headaches. No matter what you call it, it's not a good thing!

Rebound headaches are the result of the body becoming accustomed to the doses of medication being consumed. This then requires more and more frequent use of medication to relieve the pain. Now the headaches worsen and become more difficult to control. This spiral effect is destined to continue until the use of those medications is stopped.

An alternative approach to headaches, like that of a chiropractor, can be the very best source of getting rid of headaches for good.

Warning Signs

The pain from a headache is simply your body trying to tell you something. The headache itself is simply a warning sign and it is up to you to find out the deeper root cause of the headache itself. Until you do, they will simply continue.

The root causes of headaches can be wide and varied. They can range from stress, to allergies, to sinus problems, to eyestrain and even lack of sufficient nutrition. Likewise there are many different types of headaches. The most common headache is the tension headache. Next are the dreaded migraines which can be severe enough to put a person to bed due to the blinding pain. Cluster headaches are less common but no less painful.

Problems arise when headache sufferers treat the symptoms through continued use of pain relievers. (Often to the point of overuse as mentioned above.) Treating the symptoms without getting to the root cause of the pain and discomfort drives the person further and further from extended or permanent relief.

Is 1 Headache Per Week Normal?

Unequivocally, the answer to that question is NO! No one should be forced to put up with the pain and aggravation of headaches. Regular headaches are not normal and should be looked at as a problem that requires specific attention. A chiropractor is the perfect choice to get to the root of your headaches so you can stop masking the problem and actually find a remedy to them.

Headaches are normally caused by pressure on the nervous system. Often times the pressure stems from a subsequent misalignment that is heightened by stress, tension or trauma. A chiropractor can take the unique approach at alleviating the pressure on the nervous system and thus creating a result that rids you of headaches for good. When the vertebrae are aligned properly through an adjustment tension on the nerves is adequately released. Scientific evidence suggests that a chiropractic approach to headaches is a highly effective remedy.

Listen to Your Body

When you are hurting or feeling pain, it means that your body is trying to tell you something very important. Placing a band aid on the pain by taking pain killers will only prolong your healing. A chiropractor has the unique ability get to the root of your problems and fix them for good.

The only thing you will lose.is your headache! Try a chiropractor today! - 16004

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