Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How the seven chakras impact us

By Jai Dahalli

We daily discover newer secrets about the facts that make us a superior race and helped us survive and evolve through extremely competitive and tough environment. Of these numerous unexplored mysteries about our existence there is the theory of the seven chakras or energy points in our bodies that regulate our physical as well as mental self.

More than the energy that we actually receive from the kind of food we intake, we need energy that would help us refresh our mind and souls and this energy is obtained by the interaction of the seven chakras in our body and the celestial objects.

Often unexplained but these seven chakras have an impact on the way we feel, we behave and ultimately the way we live our lives. It is believed that negative thoughts and pessimistic view fills in these chakras a lot of negative energy which makes you feel restless and uncomfortable in unknown situations while positive thoughts and optimistic views help in maintaining positive energy and hence help a person to perform better even under unknown circumstances.

Every single chakra has its role to play in the process of controlling and governing the functions of a particular part of the body but each of these chakras reflect variations in the effect they have on the organs.

The seven chakras that have a huge impact on our existence and on our actions can be further explained in details as follows.

The root chakra is the energy circle that governs the overall potential of a person. It helps determine if a particular person is self-confident and can face extreme conditions without backing away. The organs that this chakra monitors include the colon and the organs lying below it as well as the prostrate and the rectum.

The second chakra is the genital chakra, it not only helps you relieve from worldly pleasures when it is in a positive state but also carries a favourable impact on your brain and hence broadens your vision and mind. However this chakra in the negative stage can make you feel cruel and ignorant. It is in control of the urinary and the genital organs and functions.

The third chakra that helps regulate the functions and the activities of the stomach and other important organs of digestion, is referred to as the umbilical chakra. It helps to maintain a good balance of mind so as to help in decision making. On the negative side it has an impact on the thoughts leading to the arousing of feelings that result from an unstable mind.

The heart chakra deals with the emotions dealing with the heart, on the positive end it evokes love and compassion while on the negative side a person becomes arrogant and hypocrite. This circle of energy is related to the cardiovascular system of the human body.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, it has an impact on the functions of the vocal chords we possess. It is also said to have an impact on the language we speak, a negative throat chakra could mean the use of a lot of foul language. The chakra controls important organs like the mouth, neck and lungs.

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and it helps to pass judgements and perceive things. Positive energy here enhances vision, hearing and smelling powers.

The seventh and the final chakra is crown chakra which promotes the thirst for enlightenment. - 16004

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