Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots Right for YOU?

By Caitlin Ryan

Big event coming up? When I have a big event such as a wedding, class reunion or speaking engagement, I always want to look my best. Then two things happen: I am so busy planning for the event that I am not able to keep up with my normal exercise routine AND I am under a lot of pressure so I eat poorly. The result? Weight gain instead of weight loss.

I know that I have certainly been shocked when a few weeks before the event, my dress (the one I spent hours finding!) did not fit quite like it did months ago. I have also had friend call me up panicked because they had been meaning to lose weight and now there is not enough time. They are usually surprised to hear my advice because typically, I would not tell anyone how to lose weight fast, but fat loss for idiots is not a long term program.

The program is simple. In less than 2 weeks (11 days to be exact) you will be able to fit in that dress or special outfit by losing 9 pounds! Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a quick fix and not intended for long term weight loss, but it can help you out in a pinch.

Now, you might be thinking Fast weight loss? Will I gain it back? Maybe, maybe not. I am certainly not advocating that you use diets like this regularly. There are two reasons to use a quick weight loss program like Fat Loss 4 Idiots: A special event OR a jump-start towards a long-term weight loss program.

There are two ways to go with Fat Loss 4 Idiots. You can use their online diet generator that tells you EXACTLY what to eat. The advantage is that you will not have to think about what to eat. Also, when you are busy planning for an event, you may not have time to exercise. The online diet generator does not require exercise in order to lose those 9 pounds in 11 days.

If you have two 30-minute blocks of time per day to exercise for the 11 days preceding the big event, then the second option is their diet handbook. It is also more flexible in terms of food choices. I recommend this over the diet generator if you are going to use Fat Loss 4 Idiots as a jump-start program. Exercise is imperative for long-term weight loss, so you may as well get in the groove now!

This diet is pretty simple. There are 10 rules to follow that sort of intertwine with one another. Weight loss is achieved with this diet by eating carbs and protein in a certain order. The guidelines are clear, and you have several choices especially considering the fact that you only need to stick with this plan for 11 days.

The rest of the rules are pretty helpful towards long-term weight loss goals as well. Fat Loss for Idiots takes a common sense approach to weight loss for quick weight loss and long-term tips on adjusting your lifestyle to suit the needs of weight loss. - 16004

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