Monday, February 2, 2009

The Starbucks generation

By Alex Gurndet

Starbucks, maybe you have heard of it, a popular little coffee shop that has stained a permanent ring into the veneer of our society. It has become more iconic than McDonalds as a representation of the American lifestyle.

However Starbucks has provided more than just a place for casual business meetings over a blended coffee drink. Around 3PM on any given weekday Starbucks plays a vital role in the future productivity of this Country.

Breaking the popular trend of not serving coffee to minors, Starbucks provides caffeinated beverages to throngs of Middle School and Jr. High students. Children between the ages of 10-16 can be seen daily sitting around sipping iced coffee's and Frappuchinos so big they must use jittering two hands to hold the cup. These kids are the future and thanks to Starbucks they are primed for maximum efficiency.

Coffee has played a vital role in the productivity of the work place for decades. There is hardly an office without a pot brewing throughout the day. However in the past, coffee was bitter and unappealing to children, now through the creativity and marketing of Starbucks, this nectar of efficiency is available to tomorrows fast thinkers.

Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit be damned, these are not problems, they are evolution. The world today moves slower than our youth think. By the time they are ready for their very own cubicles, information and production will have caught up with them. Industry in the future will move so quickly that the rest of the Starbucksless world will appear to be standing still.

So give little Tommy another Double Shot and stand back slow poke! - 16004

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