Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tips On Having A Colon Detox The Natural Way

By Ann Triune

There are many ways to have a colon detox. However, we need to keep our colon clean in the long run instead of just temporarily. Some people go on a temporary colon detox and then go back to their old ways. The best thing to do is to stay on a natural colon detox. This article will show you the natural ways of cleansing your colon.

A good advice to follow is to have a balanced diet. There are actually more harmful elements in our food than we realize. We may be stocking up a pile of preservatives in our bodies. All these can get stuck in our system and eventually poison us and make us feel unwell.

All you really have to do is consume more healthy food as opposed to consuming more unhealthy food. Consume more fruits, vegetables and grains and stir away from processed foods. Once you switch to a better diet you'll start feeling healthier. Most healthy foods are rich in both nutrients and fiber. Fiber is essential due to its natural cleansing actions that maintain bowel movement and the elimination of waste products.

You can remove dairy products from your grocery list. Try increasing your vegetable intake up to twice the usual amount. Take in only tiny portions of meat and boost your intake on complex carbs like wheat bread and whole grain. Munch on fruits whenever you feel like having a snack. These are just some helpful advice, which you can talk with a healthcare professional about.

Secondly, drink enough water everyday. Water flushes out toxins just as when you wash your hands. It can loosen hardened stools and flush them out of your body faster. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water is recommended each day for a natural colon detox.

A balanced diet alone can get rid of constipation, abdominal and rectal discomforts, and bloating. Even your headaches and backaches may start to disappear. A natural colon detox does so much more. It can treat overall sluggishness and depression related to the effects of an unhealthy bowel and extra weight.

Surprisingly, exercise can also be your best natural colon detox. Of course, you'll maintain a healthy weight with exercise. But at the same time, exercise encourages your bowels to move healthily as waste products easily slide through and out of your system.

Yoga is a really good practice for a natural colon detox. Various yoga poses utilize the effects of gravity and some breathing methods to naturally enhance bowel movement. DVDs and classes on yoga for beginners are available everywhere.

Jump roping on the other hand is good for the colon because of the up and down movements. These particular movements are claimed to have a tightening effect on the organs such as the intestines. Your lower abdomens will also be given that extra strength. At least 10 minutes of jump roping can already be advantageous.

Sit-ups are just as great as a natural colon detox. Sit-ups can encourage bowel movement and help constipation. They can also encourage the blood to flow into the abdominal areas and aid in healing and overall blood circulation.

Going on a natural colon detox means less side effects, bowel dependency and expenses. It also means you get to maintain a healthy body in the long run instead of just temporarily. You may add some extra natural supplements to help quicken the process. - 16004

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