Monday, March 2, 2009

Exercise Joins fun

By Robyno Jamison

If you let yourself, then you can have fun with exercise. Take this as a yes, if you look at how you do your exercise program then you can include the fun element into it and enjoy exercise instead of it being a task.

Elements of fun that are put into an exercise program will not only excite you for doing exercise regularly but also stop you getting bored with exercise.

If you want to be healthier than you are now with the bonus of fitness thrown in then you have to make exercise part of your lifestyle. It will not only energize your body but also your mind and is great for your cardiovascular well being.

I could go on forever about how great exercise is for you but I won't. Instead think about your exercise routine if you have one, are you getting a bit fed up with the same old exercises at the same old gym. Stop, no don't stop them all together just don't do as many.

What ever you do at the gym whether its weights or cardio. Don't stop your gym workouts, after all they are important. Just think about how you would enjoy your exercise more by replacing one gym session with another form of exciting exercise.

Lets look at it as a pastime or hobby instead of exercise, like cycling, swimming, golf, even boxing or martial arts now these are great for fitness.

Why not enjoy exercise with friends and family and play any type of ball game, you know that any ball game is fun and it always takes more than one.

There are countless types of exercise that will always be fun and beneficial not only to your life but also your families. The added benefit to regular exercise is that you may find that you will begin to eat a healthier diet than you do now, which has got to be a good thing for your long term health and fitness. - 16004

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