Sunday, March 1, 2009

Treating Nail Fungus: Finding the Right Cure

By Rashel Dan

Toe nail fungus infection is a common occurrence in people. Studies show that 3 to 11 percent of the population has them, and up to 50 percent has had this at some point in their life. In the United States alone, the figures state around 35 million are infected with nail fungus. Treating Nail Fungus is possible, but most treatments may take some time as well as a regular schedule.

The first important step is to understand how nail fungus thrives and how people get the infection. Toe nail fungi thrive in a warm, moist environment and they do not need sunlight in order to live. The space under the nails is one of their favorite places to breed in, since this has the requirements that they need to live and multiply. One can contract this fungus in public baths, swimming pools, gyms and even at home. So one has to take preventive measures in order to avoid nail fungus.

People with nail fungus infection have odorous nails. It is also an embarrassing sight to deal with, especially if one is in a public place. It one does not act on it, it will cause more damage to the toe, making walking a painful ordeal. One may have to resort to surgical removal to correct this. There are medicines that are available for treating nail fungus. Examples are:

1. Itraconazole (Sporonox) 2. Fluconazole (Diflucan) 3. Griseofulvin (Fulvicin) 4. Terfinabine (Lamisil)

There are things you have to know about these treatments. These medications may cost quite a lot and there are some side effects that one should be concerned about. This will include stomaches, headaches, kidney and liver damage, to death in some rare cases. So people are quite weary of these internal medications.

Treating nail fungus can also be done naturally. These might include the following:

1. Tea Tree and Lavender Oil - Using tea tree oil and lavender oil and spreading it around the affected nail. Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic, and lavender oil can help ease the swelling. This a very effective way in treating nail fungus. However it doesn't cure it immediately. It may take some days or weeks to see the results, and even months to completely be rid of nail fungus.

2. Zetaclear - One can also opt to get this in all-natural products such as zetaclear which not only contains the above mentioned ingredients, but also more. It also has jojoba oil as well as clove oil as its key ingredients, which are also proven to be effective in treating nail fungus. These natural medications can speed up the curing process.

3. Homemade Remedies - Home remedies such as soaking in Listerine or vinegar have some positive effects on the infected nails. But these are 50-50 chances of effectiveness.

Prevention is Better than Cure - It is also important to take preventive steps so that the fungi will not spread and get any worse. Wearing breathable, good-fitting shoes, absorbent socks are good practices to be maintained. Avoiding walking barefoot in public places is also needed. One it is contained, it will be easier job in treating nail fungus. - 16004

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