Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Water helps keep us going

By Jeff Cline

In grade school we learned what water is made up of. We learned about the hydrogen and oxygen atom make up. But I do not remember learning how important it is to our bodies and how much we need each day to stay healthy.

Maybe we learned, but did we pay attention? Water regulates our body temperature. It delivers nutrients to our organs. Organs such as lungs, brain and muscles can not survive without water. Our blood carries nutrients through out our bodies and our blood is mostly water.

You must drink water through out the day to replace water that your body naturally uses. We use water when we urinate or sweat. So it makes since to drink more water on a hot day or when exercising.

You should look for signs of dehydration. Some signs are subtle others are obvious. One less obvious sign is muscle cramping. But, with mild dehydration you can also get joint, back pain and headaches. It also causes constipation and amber colored urine.

So now that we know we need water, how much do we need? A good formula to figure out how much water to drink is to take your body weight divided in half. Whatever that number comes out to be is the number of ounces you need each day.

Most people do not like to drink that much water. You do not have to get it all from tap or bottled water. Some of the water will come from foods we eat, about 20%. We can drink decaff teas and flavored water for more. Sports water and Kool-Aid is fine also.

There are many ways we can track our water consumption. It is hard with our busy lives. Some people keep a daily log, some keep a water bottle full all the time and some go as far as keeping rubber bands around their wrist, removing them each time the have 8 ounces.

So now that you understand that water is very necessary be sure you drink plenty. Do not ignore the signs of dehydration, better yet do not let yourself get dehydrated. Make it a goal to get your daily amount of water and see what a difference it makes. - 16004

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