Friday, December 26, 2008

Build Muscle Quickly Using These Tips

By Caleb Lee

If you're new to the muscle building scene, then you want to know these three tips to build muscle quickly.

Using these tips will generate the good, solid muscle that is most desired. They are very simple to follow, however they will generate muscle unlike the other "fake" muscle that will wear off in a day or two. So let's jump into them!

Tip 1) Limit Your Workout Time

You want to get in the gym and out within an hour. Anymore than an hour for your workout, and you will result in lactic acid build-up, which will only hurt your muscle building program. Do not perform your exercises faster just to get them in, in under an hour. Simply use more weight and less repetitions and sets to ensure your body will tear down the muscle enough to build and then move on. Using exercises like the squat and deadlift, which use the entire body, will help in working many muscles in a short amount of time and also develop better stabilization.

Tip 2) Eat Healthy

Please do not think you need to go on a diet, limiting what you eat. You might get sick and that is not the point of working out. To help you build muscle quickly, concentrate on what you eat. A god target is to consume 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. Those are the three main nutrients needed for your muscles to grow. This does not limit you because there are many foods out there that will accomplish this target diet. For protein, you can eat fish and beef. Oils, like fish and olive oil, will help with the fat needed. Carbohydrates can be obtained by fruits and oatmeal. There are many other choices, so don't think this will limit your variety of foods.

Tip 3) Give Your Body a Break

The main period in your workout that your muscle builds the most is when you are sleeping. Getting at least 8 hours a night of sleep is crucial, if not more. Naps after workouts and in your spare time will give you even more benefits and help your body recover faster.

Using these tips will give you the right foundation to build muscle quickly. - 16004

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