Saturday, December 27, 2008

Consider the cost of Airsoft

By Alexander Malroy

Airsoft began in Japan in the 1950s, a time and place where firearms were almost impossible to obtain. The game was invented by gun enthusiasts and is still enjoyed by a huge population all over Southeast Asia. Today, airsoft is growing in popularity in the United States and in Europe.

There are different types and method airsoft guns is being played and enjoyed. They are Military simulations, skirmishing and Historical re-enactments. These types of games are required to have a Marshall or a referee in a hope to put an order and honor to the game.

Safety is the first and foremost concern of every organizer of the game. Protective clothes and gear as well as necessary eyewear should be strictly provided and adhered to. Airsoft guns if fired at point blank and at close range may cause nasty welts in an open skin, this may not be fatal, but if it hits the eye, this may cause blindness. Airsoft guns operate in electric motor, battery, gas or a manual cocking ring.

Airsoft guns are relatively cheaper than its predecessor, the paintball. An airsoft gun could cost roughly $15 to $90 USD while the expensive hi-end ones could cost $200 to $500 USD. On a military simulation or historical re-enactment games, where the adherence to a more realistic-looking weapons are sought after, the cost of guns can rise significantly. Custom-made airsoft guns can reach up to $2,000 USD while realistic blowback guns in gas-powered fashion could reach $150 to $500 USD.

Simulating the real thing is one of the major come on of the game; the more realistic it is the more exciting the game becomes. Thus, the close resemblance of the airsoft guns to the real military guns is the most sought after aspiration of every player. Assault rifles are the most popular type of weapon a player would ever want. These types of guns usually have high capacity in terms of battery life, and are easy to use.

The realistic blow back effect of other gun models using propane gas mounted directly onto the propane tanks make it popular too. Manufacturers oftentimes create minor tweaks depending on the need of the player. Grenades and grenade launchers are also being simulated in the game using compressed gas that creates minor explosion when thrown. This and more adds up to the excitement of being in a realistic scenario of a battle.

Airsoft guns use pellets that are known as BBs. These generally measure around 6mm in width. However for special weapons these can be 8mm in width. The pellets used are low grade and can be obtained for $3.50 for 5,000 pellets. These cheap pellets are however imperfect and do not promise very good performance. These might cause damage to airsoft guns. The high grade pellets are available at $15 USD for 5,000.

Maintaining the performance of your guns as well as purchasing the necessary protective equipments may take toll on your pocket, as in every sport activities therein. However, enjoying the game with your friends and getting the hang of joining a battle without the risk of casualty is always worth the cost. - 16004

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