Friday, December 26, 2008

Could Serratiopeptidase Be The Solution for Long-Term Pain?

By Stanton Conversier

If you suffer from any kind of pain - periodic, chronic or otherwise - an enzyme known as serrapeptase might be your answer. This is even more true if you have a distaste for, or are experiencing any side effects of, the medication you currently use for pain management. Whether you take prescription or over-the-counter analgesics, serrapeptase is a safe, natural alternative with no known side effects.

Serrapeptase, also known as serratiopeptidase, is a proteolytic (that is, having the ability to break down proteins into simpler compounds) enzyme which is naturally present in the silkworm intestine. Now, before you head for the hills, shouting, "I'll be darned if I'm taking anything that came from inside a worm!" - allow me to clarify: The type that is accessible to/by consumers today is prepared through breaking down of plant-based enzymes, and is typically of such purity that it is acceptable even for use by vegetarians.

Serrapeptase has been used prevalently for nearly 40 years in numerous Asian and European countries. In Germany and Austria for instance, it is obtainable by prescription only. Luckily, in the States and other parts of the world, it is much more readily available and is so safe that it can be taken by pregnant and/or nursing women, youngsters, and even pets.

Chronic inflammation lies at the heart of a whole host of ailments, including headaches, muscle and joint pain - due to exercise, arthritis, or fibromyalgia, just to name a few. Left untreated, severe inflammation can even develop into life-threatening conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Unlike conventional pain medication (which only relieves the inflammation temporarily) serrapeptase actually breaks down the protein deposits (known as fibrin) which can cause pain and discomfort even after your body has healed from injury or trauma.

And again, few if any adverse effects have been reported by users of serrapeptase. This is in direct opposition to over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen. These non-prescription medicines have been known to be the cause of liver, stomach, kidney, and even heart problems, especially when used regularly, and for lengthy periods.

More significantly, certain doctor-prescribed medications - especially in the NSAIDs category - have produced even more severe side effects. These have been widely reported in the mass media in recent years. In fact, some pharmaceutical companies have been forced to withdraw certain drugs from the market because of these cases.

For generations, germs - not chronic inflammation - were considered the main source of disease in the world. And powerful drugs and antibiotics have, in fact helped to eradicate many of the dreaded diseases that once reached epidemic proportions. However, in the process, strains that are more resistant and harder to control have arisen, giving need to ever-stronger medications.

So there is more than hope for the legions of pain sufferers who once turned to drugs and medicines on a full-time basis. Many have found serrapeptase (while hardly a cure-all) to be a practicable alternative. Keep an eye out for more exciting news and developments from the author concerning this - and other - amazing enzymes. - 16004

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