Thursday, December 25, 2008

Skip Meals And Get Fat

By Jason King

For a lot of people attempting to lose weight the first thing that comes to their mind is eating less. Instead of eating smaller meals they usually eat less meals. If you want your body to become heavier and have a higher fat percentage this is the quickest way to achieve it.

At first this looks like an extremely effective method of losing weight, but it is very short lived. What you lose at first is water weight and muscle mass. It's the loss of your muscle mass that is the start of you getting heavier, it just takes a little time to start showing on your body .

Breakfast is the first meal that most dieters give up first. They think that skipping breakfast after waking up hungry will cause their body to start burning fat. Your metabolic rate slows down when you skip your breakfast. Your body will then go into starvation mode to protect itself. Your body will start using your muscles as fuel, and start storing fat instead of burning it off.

The human body is very intelligent. It knows that muscle burns more calories than fat so it will get rid of your muscle mass first. This is so your body won't burn too many calories while you're starving your body throughout the day. Fat storage is something else your body does while you're not eating as many meals as you should be. Your body stores fat so it has something to feed on when your muscle have become to small, and are not burning up much energy.

After starving yourself all day when you eat that evening meal your body loves it so much it will hold onto the calories and store them all as fat. Your body will learn that it's not going to get any more food until the following evening so it will store as much as it can. Because your metabolism will be slowing down, the meal will also take longer to digest so it will lay in your stomach while you sleep.

To successfully lose weight you have to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, and also exercise regularly. To speed up your metabolism you need to increase your muscle mass as muscle burn more calories than fat. You can also burn an extra 2000 to 4000 calories a week with around 4 x 1 hour sessions of cardio.

Losing weight and keeping it off is not an over night process, and anything that loses you weight overnight will be very short lived. You need to do it safely, and not starve your body of the calories it needs to function properly. - 16004

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