Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ridding Your Body Of Chest Fat

By Derek Silverman

A good number of men who are suffering from man boobs or chest fat are seriously considering those crash diets that promise get results in as little time as possible. The problem with these crash diets that are mostly available in the market today is either they are unhealthy or they do not simply work. If they do work, the weight that you have lost will most likely to come piling back on in just a matter of weeks.

Some of the men that have excess chest fat are choosing surgery as their solution to the problem. These men are not willing to do the hard work that is associated with diet and exercise. There can be some complications to this solution that should be considered before deciding to use surgery as a way to reduce chest fat. It will also cost you a great deal because many insurance companies are not going to pay for this kind of surgery.

Many men have found solution in herbal treatments. They have claimed that they will help them to reduce the amount of fat in the chest area. An equal amount of men have claimed that the herbal treatments did not work at all for them. You should let your doctor know if you are considering one of these products because of a possible interaction with a medication that you are already taking.

The best way to rid yourself of chest fat is to determine the cause of the problem. It is easier to know where to begin your work if you know what is causing the breasts to become enlarged. Many men experience an increase in their breast size if they are taking a steroid medication. There are also some illnesses that will cause the size of the breast to increase as well. You should check with your doctor to find out the cause of your enlarged breasts.

Enlarged breasts that are caused by excess weight or obesity can be resolved with a loss of weight. It is important that you lose the weight in a healthy manner or you risk the weight coming right back on. Take some time with your diet and make sure that it is full of fruits and vegetables and lean sources of protein. Exercise will help you to increase the speed of your metabolism also. Look for exercises that will tone up the chest area.

If you are in between the age of 12 and 18 and you notice that your breasts are starting to grow, do not panic. Let me assure you that this is just but normal and expected as your body is developing. During this time, your hormones are out of control and your body tends to produce more estrogen than testosterone. The good news is that, you don't need to do anything as the swelling on your chest areas is expected to ease up within a couple of years. If you are too concerned about your appearance and you think that the size of your breasts is not acceptable, consult your doctor. Sometimes, underlying diseases can cause the fat build up on your chest area. Your physician might recommend drugs to regulate your hormones or treat the underlying disease to eliminate your man boobs. - 16004

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