Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sensitive Skin and Facials: Do They Mix?

By Amy Nutt

Despite popular thinking, there's no reason not to enjoy facials even if your skin is sensitive. The trick is in how the facial is done and also how you treat your skin after the fact. With the right combination, you can enjoy facials without irritating your skin at all.

Gentle Products

It's very important to use the right products for your skin type when having a facial done. Talk to the beautician ahead of time if you are having a professional one, or take the time to look at your options if you are doing it at home. When doing your own facial, you can even test the products you plan to use on your wrist or neck, to see if they will irritate.

There are literally hundreds of products out there developed specifically for sensitive skin. This doesn't mean that all of them will be suited to your particular skin, but you can certainly count on them being far gentler than regular skin care products. These are the best ones to start with if you aren't sure.

Keep It Simple

A facial doesn't have to be a huge process using a dozen different products. In fact, the more products that you use, the more likely you are to have a bad reaction. So keep it to the basics, an astringent for oily skin, a soothing facial mask and a moisturizing lotion. You can use a warm cloth or steam to help open the pores of the face and expel impurities, but take it easy since heat can also irritate sensitive skin.

Water is your best friend. Not only should you be drinking plenty to keep your skin clear and glowing, you'll also want to make sure that you wash your face frequently with it. Rinse off any excess product completely before applying another and you will keep the skin problems to a minimum.

Using natural ingredients such as cucumbers on your eyes and avocado or honey as a facial mask can really help your skin, too, even if you can't tolerate most skin care products. Avoid anything that has acid in it, like pineapple, since this can cause irritations.

After the Facial

Whether you opt for a professional facial or one at home, keep in mind that you don't need to apply a bunch of products afterwards. In fact, you'll be far better off just washing with plain water and some specially formulated soap. Adding more skin care products to the mix tends to cause rashes and irritations, which can be very easily avoided by simply sticking to water for a few days after the facial.

Daily Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

You will want to take good care of your skin both before and after having a facial. Sensitive skin is rarely better off left alone, so look for simple products that will enhance your natural beauty without causing problems. One thing to keep in mind is the number of ingredients. A huge list of ingredients probably means you'll have problems, whereas a skin care product with just two or three ingredients is going to be far easier on the skin in most cases.

Treat your skin with care, wash it every day and make sure that you don't overtax it when you have a facial. Let it rest for a couple of days before and after the fact to ensure the best results.

Just because you have sensitive skin doesn't mean you can't enjoy having a good facial treatment every now and then. You may not be able to do them too often, but once in a while, with the right products, should be just fine. - 16004

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