Friday, December 26, 2008

Is There a Link? Coffee and Hypertension

By Christian Goodman

I love coffee! So much so that I enjoy a cup of Starbucks almost every day. Is this bad for my health? Some people say so.

A friend recently told me to "watch out," while at Starbucks the other day as I drank my coffee because her doctor told her that coffee can contribute to high blood pressure, or hypertention.

I found it interesting that the doctor would have told her to give up coffee rather than three other behaviors which to me, seemed to be of higher concern than drinking coffee: Over-eating, smoking cigarettes and alcohol consumption.

I had to assume the doctor stressed to my friend that smoking, alcohol and being overweight are all high contributors to her increased blood pressure, as there is considerable evidence that these things do contribute to high blood pressure. But coffee?

I have read no studies where it states that there is a causal link to coffee and hypertension.

Studies I've seen published have shown an a temporary increase in blood pressure after drinking coffee but the increase is not significant.

These same studies also admit that when drinking coffee on a regular basis, this temporary increase in blood pressure disappates.

So why even mention coffee and hypertension? What studies have shown is that coffee can often times partner certain unhealthy behaviors - smoking and over eating.

No. Rather, the studies have shown that people associate the negative lifestyle (cigarettes, over-eating) with drinking coffee. My same friend has foregone her cigarette break if she doesn't have coffee, indicating that the cigarette, "Just doesn't taste the same."

While I'm always excited to read about amazing results from people who've given up coffee and reduced their blood pressure, I'm even more interested in knowing what other bad behaviors where dropped when these people gave up coffee.

What I can say is that if you know that coffee is your trigger to indulging in other, proven contributors to high blood pressure and you truly can't do one without the other, then yes, perhaps you should consider switching to a beverage that you don't associate with these bad behaviors.

Regardless of why you have high blood pressure, I think you will benefit from my High Bood Pressure Program. I've seen and documented incredible results from this simple, natural cure.

Additionally, I suggest my Weight Loss Breeze Program if you suffer from this condition as well.

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