Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bodybuilding for Teenagers and It's Benefits

By Ricardo d Argence

It is becoming commonplace for teenagers to be involved in bodybuilding. Getting in shape and building muscle is not a bad idea if it is done correctly. Though teens may appear to be fully-grown, there are still key areas that are still developing. There are three major elements to a good body building routine for teens, weights, nutrition, and rest.

Body building routines are often disturbed by the normal teenager's energy supply. Teenagers are able to work out for long periods of time without getting fatigued, which allows them to spend more time targeting specific sets of muscles.

The thought is that more is better, however, in weight training nothing is further from the truth. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. Once a muscle has reached a certain point there is no need to strain it further, in fact you can actually reverse your progress or worse yet cause injury.

Prefer reps instead of weight; do not start with the most heavy weights! Start your training program using light or moderate weights, then add weight as your strength increases.

Much too often, large quantities of supplements take priority over basic nutrition. While supplements can be helpful in moderation eating the right quantities of protein and fiber are more important. Getting enough nutrients is imperative for healing the muscles, which have actually been torn during your workout.

Another oft-forgotten part of the process is water. Water comprises over 60% of your body, and water is necessary for your major organs to receive adequate nutrients. This includes your muscles. Everyone should drink at least eight, 8 ounce glasses of water per day, but if you are in training you will need even more in order to replenish your fatigued muscles. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

Next to water, this is the most overlooked aspect of training, especially in teens who feel indestructible. When you sleep the growth hormone, IGF-1 and testosterone are released, these are both necessary to the repair and growth of your muscles. That is what sleep was designed for, reparation of the body.

It is not enough to hit the gym hard every day to build muscles, you need a balanced approach for steady growth. This can hard to do for a generation who is used to getting what they want right now, but for long term success and to prevent injury this is the only way.

You can begin weight trainin at this time, also if you enjoy a sport like football it is key that you develop a strong and healthy body. Simply follow the above plan, and your workout can be safe and productive. - 16004

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