Sunday, December 7, 2008

Depression Medication Lets People Live Normal Lives

By Lorna Hillier

If you think that you may have depression the following article is going to supply you with worthful content on depression medication so do continue reading.

You may have felt a bit flat the last couple of days but that does not mean that you have depression. Depression can be a long term illness lasting years. You may be surprised to hear that millions of American people are affected by this serious mental illness every year.

It's the mental illness stereotypes, things like the crazy eyed old women, that make people think twice before seeking treatment for depression. Sadly due to the stigma of mental illness only a third of those putting up with depression will seek medical attention.

Of the list of progressive ailments depression is one of the worst. If left untreated it could have dangerous consequences. Ignorance is definitely bliss in this case

Many things cause depression. Physical and emotional problems, chemical issues, even DNA all play a part

The very enviroment that the person lives could be a contributing factor especially stress and other negative influences. Complicated diseases like depression aren't easy to crack and can take years of treatment to show improvement.

In addition to, the human brain and its workings are quite complex and study continues into the mind and brain and how they work, what makes them tick. It's clear that it's an imbalance of chemical compounds in the brain that creates depression.

Progress is continually being made in the medical field concerning mental illness and the more that is learn about depression the better it can be treated.

Better and better depression medications are being tested daily and now there is a large variety of drugs available to treat depression. Also the market is riddled with magic potions but mostly you will only lose your money not your depression. Clinical tests to prove something really works in treating depression are required.

At one time asylums and mental institutions were filled to the brim with mentally ill people. That is a thing of the past, thank goodness.

The anti-depressant Prozac first came into use in the USA in 1988 and became the rage. It was proven to work, and thus is still prescribed today even though it can have serious side effects.

Since then a new class of anti-depressants SSRI's has become popular as well. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, SSRI, are being used today. These include Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, and Luvox. These work even though they too show some side effects.

Herbal medications also have a place in this market. The ingredient in St. John's Wort extract, heperforin, is present in those that prove every bit as effective as anti-depressant drugs. If this ingredient is used in the proper strength it wins the prize.

When seeking depression medications that work, ask questions, do your research, and know the facts.

This article was all about depression medication and the benefits and problems associated with it. Now it is for you to decide if you need to discuss depression treatment options with your doctor. - 16004

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