Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How to Make Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

By Rashel Dan

Preparing home remedies for nail fungus is not as easy as it sounds. There are crucial things you have to know beforehand. You have to figure out how much of something to put in, the times of application, frequency, and duration. But because of the high cost and possible negative side effects of oral prescription medication, many people don't mind the extra effort in preparing home remedies.

Nail fungus is a very unsightly condition. Infected nails exhibit discoloration, turning nails into yellow or brown. It could become misshapen, crumbly, and brittle. Also, it may emit a foul smell. If not treated right away, it could bring pain and discomfort especially when walking or running. Not only will it potentially harm you, but it can also lower down your self-esteem. Wearing sandals and open-toed shoes in public will be very embarrassing. Sometimes, you couldn't even go barefoot in front of your family. Having nail fungus could lower your self confidence.

Luckily, nail fungus can be treated. And, the earlier you start treatment, the easier it will be to get rid of. Here are some of the common home remedies in treating nail fungus.

Tea Tree Oil with Olive Oil or Lavender Oil

Applying tea tree oil on infected nails is one form of home remedy. It can be used with olive oil or lavender oil for best results. Tea tree oil is known to be a natural antibiotic and the lavender and olive oil will help prevent skin irritation and promote healthier looking skin. Put equal amount of tea tree oil and lavender oil on a cotton swab or ball. Then, dab it under the tip of the infected toe nails and surrounding area for two or three times a day.

Oregano and Olive Oil

Another natural home remedy is the Oregano. Oregano has lots of curative properties. Oregano essential oil is known to be antiseptic, antiparasitical, antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic and antifungal. Mix 2 drops of Oregano essential oil with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply this mixture on the infected toenails daily. However, do not use this treatment for more than three weeks.


Then there's the mouth wash. Mouthwash is also known to be a home remedy for nail fungus. It is a powerful antiseptic that helps achieve healthier looking toenails. Just soak infected toes in mouthwash for two or three times a day daily. Again, just as with tea tree oil, it can take a very long time for this to work (if it ever will at all).

In early stages of the condition, these home remedies for nail fungus may be used as treatment. However, with this type of treatment, you are not really effectively eliminating nail fungus. In fact, you could end up wasting time, and the fungus could spread to other nails.

Of course, there are other options. A topical solution is highly effective, and it produces results fast. It uses all natural ingredients like essential oils found in plants such as tea tree, jojoba and almond. Because it is natural, it does not yield any known adverse side effects that go with oral prescription medication. Also, it is less expensive. Another reason why you should go for this treatment is that it is very easy to use. Unlike home remedies, you don't have to prepare mixtures and solutions. It can be bought without a prescription and already comes with a topical applicator brush.

If your condition is severe, home remedies for nail fungus is therefore something you can do without. You have more choices that are equally safe and less expensive. Go for a topical solution. - 16004

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