Sunday, December 7, 2008

Natural Skin Care is Easy

By Herb B. Lewis

I only use natural skin care products. No one really knows how the chemicals in skin care products affect us over time, especially when they are combined. It is much easier now to find a natural skin care product that is 100% natural. There is no reason you have to have synthetic preservatives in your makeup just so it will be able to stay on the shelf longer.

Some essential oils and herbal oils are known for their moisturizing and antiseptic properties. You can make natural skin care products yourself; here is a recipe to get you started. Careful, hot soap is very hot; I hope you never find out just how hot.

Citrus Soap - You need: 1/2 lb. Natural Soap Base, 1/2 tablespoon of Coconut oil, 3 drops lemon oil, 3 drops grapefruit oil, 3 drops orange oil, Fruit mold.

Melt the soap base with the coconut oil. Take it off the heat and whisk well but carefully, it will be hot. Add the essential oils and whisk well. Pour into molds, let it cool and then take a bath. Make sure the soap base you buy has no artificial colors and is a 100% vegetable base.

Exfoliation with a dry brush before you shower removes dead skin cells and lets the skin detoxify. Dry brush exfoliation improves the lymph and blood circulation, and it calms the nervous system. Be sure to use of a soft, dry, brush with natural bristles. Gently brush the skin going toward the heart.

You skin is a reflection of your health; it's required that you eat healthy for the long term health of your skin. Your diet does have an effect on your skin. I believe this because in high school, after I ate a hamburger fries and a milk shake a few days in a row, I would break out bad. I would eat better and drank my great aunts tea for a week. She used a combination of red clover, dandelion root, and burdock root. I did this many times during my years of high school. The dermatologist would say the same thing, "food has no effect 0n your skin". Now I eat right all the time and do not need to go to the dermatologist. Green vegetables and fresh fruits are the kinds of foods you want to focus on, stay away from meat. Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol makes the liver work harder. This keeps it from doing the job of removing toxins. Toxins build up and sit in your fat, organs and your skin.

Cut down on the fat; no fried foods or any high fat foods. Do not cook with any heat processed oils, use a good olive oil. No soft drinks or junk food. Be sure you are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. Taking a good multivitamin every day is a god idea. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Food has an even greater effect if you put your food on the outside of your skin. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Make sure you test anything you put on your face to make sure it will not make you break out.

If your face dehydrates from washing to much, you can add a lot of other foods to cooked oatmeal, after it cools. Try adding fruit yogurts. Rinse it off with warm water after it dries. Try a mixture of just about any crushed melon. Watermelon makes a great natural cleanser crushed and smeared on the skin. Wash it off with water after a bit.

Grate a carrot, mix it with honey and smooth it on your face. Wash it off with water after it dries. Carrot essential oil has skin protection qualities from the carotenoids and other antioxidants. Carrot oil is good for keeping your skin from getting dry. Never put any pure essential oil straight on your skin, you want to mix it with oil like almond oil or grape seed oil. Both oils are not greasy; they soak into skin well and go well with carrot essential oil. - 16004

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