Monday, December 22, 2008

Six Pack Abs Success Formula

By Jose Loni

The six-pack abs success formula is very easy to follow. Six pack abs can be achieved by applying this simple formula of eating right, resistance training and increasing metabolism.

Exercises for six-pack abs need to be done in such a way that we focus on overall body fat burning. When we do general fat burning, the underlying abs will show through, as the body is able to metabolize the layer of fat on top of the abs, thereby allowing the six-pack abs to become more visible.

Here are some simple exercises that will train the overall strength of the whole body as well as develop the core abdominal muscles of our six-pack.

Warm-up: light to medium activity to increase blood flow throughout the body for 5-10 minutes. Then do some light stretching to help keep the muscles flexible and ready for movement.

Exercises: Do overall multi-joint exercises such as: squats, chin-ups, lunges, rows, split-squats, step-ups and deadlifts. Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise. Stability ball sit-ups and bridging can be incorporated into the program as well, to strengthen and tone the core muscles as well as train the body in a different way (as opposed to traditional weight training).

Resistance training has been shown to really help sculpt and lower body fat levels to help achieve six pack abs. By training multi-joint exercises, at lower repetitions of 8, it has been shown to increase metabolic processes and further increase fat burning. In addition, doing ab exercises also helps to strengthen and define the abs, when they become more visible after the levels of body fat decrease.

The result of resistance training is the increase of lean body mass, which in turn also increases metabolic process within our bodies. Not only does it help burn fat during our workout, it also continues to burn fat long after the activity is done. It also makes our bodies better able to burn fat, which allows our six-pack abs to show through.

This exercise plan will help achieve six pack abs faster. The commitment to exercise correctly and allowing the body to rest will help this program be effective. - 16004

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