Friday, December 5, 2008

Top 11 Weight Loss Tips

By Ada Denis

1. Try to reduce your weight by following natural methods as against artificial methods of taking slimming pills and so on. Natural weight loss methods include taking organic diet such as whole grain foods, cereals, vegetables, fruits and salads.

2. Stay motivated. As soon as the fat persons start making efforts to reduce their weight, they get tired as they expect quick results. They lose their motivation and give up. It must be noted that a slow and steady weight loss acquired through natural methods is more sustainable in the long run.

3. Avoid fried and fatty diets. Take plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants and minerals. They are more filling so that your appetite is quelled sooner. They are also low in calories.

4. Take plenty of water. A normal person should take at least 8 glasses of water per day depending upon the climate. If you are over weight, you must try to take more water to flush down the extra waste and toxic matter in your body. Do not wait to be thirsty to take water. Keep drinking water in smaller amounts to keep dehydration away.

5. Keep a watch over your portion size. You should eat only what is essential for you. In any case, do not over stuff your tummy just to prevent wastage.

6. Do not skip your breakfast. If you over busy, it is better to carry an apple, a banana or a pear in your bag and eat it while you are in the train.

7. Do not skip meals because you are very busy. The best course is to eat in small quantities so as to balance our calorie intake throughout the day.

8. Understand food labels and claims. Some times we do not find time to read and understand the details of the food constituents on the labels of the packages. For example, a package stating that the content is fat free does not mean that it is low in calories as well. Note that knowledge is power that can save you from being cheated.

9. Avoid sugary beverages and drinks. Juices, ice creams or excessive sugar in your tea and coffee may add up to needless and harmful calories in your system. Avoid them as far as possible.

10. Keep a journal of your eating habits. Your journal or a diary makes you conscious of your eating patterns and helps you to regulate them. Moreover, you may also note down the benefits or harmful effects of what you eat. It will help you to maintain healthy changes.

11. Daily exercise can help you to burn the extra fat that you consume knowingly or otherwise. Consult your doctor or health specialist about the type of exercise that is suitable for your individual constitution. Visit gym; go for jogging, cycling and other games and sports to burn those extra pounds. - 16004